California Love-The Aftermath pt31

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California Love- The Aftermath
post 31
Written by Heavynli

Shipp leans over into the garbage can and throws up again.... he had been sick for the last 3 days not able to keep anything down and was super weak.

He reaches for his phone and texts Monet..

(daddy) Monet, call mama and tell her I need her to come to LA, I'm sick...

Monet rolls her eyes and types back okay, daddy.

Monet bounces up and down on one leg hoping that Dyna doesn't pick up the phone, but she did.

Dyna is surprised that Monet is on the other end of her phone considering their most recent past. 

Dyna hello Monet.

Monet daddy said to tell you he is sick and to come to LA hangs up.

Dyna calls Mrs. Shipp and she further explains that Demetrius is down for the count.

-------------- Dyna and the babies are on the next flight... they uber to the house and Monet opens the door....

Dyna says hello Monet.

Monet is surprised that she wasn't trying to talk about her head or tell her that she was a bad child or something.  She just leaves the door open and runs upstairs.

Dyna walks in and takes her shoes off and gets the  babies into play pens....they go right down to sleep.  Mrs. Shipp comes out of the room slowly and says hey sugar, how are you?

Dyna I'm okay, I hear that my services are needed so I'm here, can I get you anything?

Mrs. Shipp I'm okay. The kids have eaten dinner and your patient is upstairs.

Dyna says okay... Well, the triplets should be out for a few hours... I'm going to get to work.

Mrs. Shipp thank you for coming.

She gets to work.... she opens the door to the bedroom and there are tissues and the room smells stale....  She was glad she had her gloves on and cleans while he sleeps. When he wakes up, he is surprised to see her there.

Dyna welcome back twinkle toes.

Shipp baby, you came.

Dyna of course I did, unless you really didn't want me here.

Shipp stop it. I'm happy to see you here...

His voice sounds weak and he is looking a little skinny... She helps him into the shower and bathes him..... towels him dry and feeds him after pulling out a white t and some boxer briefs for him.

He now had fresh linens on the bed and  she had disinfected the entire bedroom...

the first couple of days were a blurr for Shipp... He would see Dyna moving from one place to the next making sure that everyone got what they needed.  She even took his mom to the doctor to make sure her foot was healing right.

By the time a week had rolled around Dyna had noticed a few things...

Shipp seemed depressed and so did Monet. She had dropped off the soccer team and cheerleading and she was letting her grades slip.

Dyna was in the kitchen one night doing some work on the laptop when Monet came around the corner.

Monet sighs loudly, when are all 4 of you going to go back to NY.

Dyna do you want to come with us?

Monet almost smiles forgetting to be mad. NOPE she says.

Dyna keeps typing like she didn't hear her.

CALIFORNIA LOVE-(pt2) The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now