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A'llanah turns her full on attention to Shipp and says what can I assist you with Mr.Shipp?
Shipp says for one when you're off the clock, please don't call me Mr. Shipp, its so formal. I'm Demetrius.

A'llanah says Demetrius, as in Demetrius Shipp?
Shipp 1 of 2.
A'llanah Nice to meet you informally. She shakes his hand wondering why he was looking at her strangely.
Shipp waits to see if she is going to act star struck or different, but she doesn't. She doesn't ask him anything about his career or personal business. However, he is about to get all up in hers.

He says ummmm, so my original question coming in here was, You appear to be pretty well off, why did you apply for this job?
A'llanah says fair question. Would you like the long or the short version.
Shipp says humor me with the long version.

A'llanah gets up and goes into her closet and pulls out a picture book.
He opens it and looks up at her. Inside are her graduation pictures from high school with every cord and award imaginable, her marine corps graduation.
What appeared to be a college graduation as well and then pictures of her cooking at some pretty amazing places, like the White House and some high profile celebrity clients.
She is cool as a fan sipping her water.
Shipp you were a fucking marine???
A'llanah Retired now, Oorah!
Shipp smiles damn girl you tough. You look soft as a marshmallow.
A'llanah- want to wrestle?

Shipp says what's the safe word.
A'llanah says you pick it, because you're going to be the one to use it.
Shipp ooooh we talking shit now!

He laughs, I'll be right back. He comes back in some basketball shorts and a shirt.

A'llanah has changed into some biking shorts and a sports bra.
Shipp is like danggggg she got all kinds of muscles she was hiding up under her clothes...

She says you ready?
Shipp he said should I make my will out first or call my next of kin?
A'llanah she smirks at him, but doesn't say anything.

A'llanah are we wrestling for a prize?
Shipp we can... if I win.... I would like a cheesecake (strawberry)
A'llanah and if I win
Shipp name it....
A'llanah blushes.... she didn't even want to say it out loud.... In her head she wanted to "plate" her employer. She knew it was forbidden territory and that is why she was didn't want to voice it.

Shipp whats up with the silence....
A'llanah my request isn't appropriate and I think you are stalling for time.

She gets into her wrestling stance and first round she pins him. Second round is the same....
He squirms to get free and then finally, he is able to pin her on the last round.... They are both breathing hard he looks down at her and tries to read her expression. She says what are you trying to find in my eyes...

Shipp permission.
A'llanah for?
Shipp a kiss.
A'llanah so you can tell HR on me...
Shipp smiles his beautiful smile.... and reaches her arm around and pulls his lips to hers..... It was a warm slow and beautiful kiss.... He didn't want to move a muscle... he could have kissed her forever.....

The smile was still on his face when he woke up in the morning. He was in bed alone, but he was still happy....
He came down the stairs to the smell of bacon, eggs and cheese on a roll.

He had his choices of juice and there was also a fresh fruit salad waiting on him.

His silverware is laid out and his food is covered.

He says a grace and looks around for A'llanah. She is nowhere to be found. He calls her name, no answer and then he sees her note on the fridge. Went for a run. Call, if you need anything.

He enjoys his breakfast and the rising sun coming up. It was all of 6:40 am. A run?

She comes back in about 2 hours later and removes her shoes. She had a towel around her neck and her hair is in a messy bun.
Shipp is on the phone when she passes by to go to her room. She waves and keeps going. She wanted to shower and not knock him out with her exercise sweat..

She closed her door and headed to the shower. Once she gets out. She wraps her hair up in a towel and begins to oil her body. She threw on some short shorts, sports bra and a shirt.

She dries her hair as much as she could and put it in a braid. Then she cleaned out the tub.

She plugs up her laptop and tried to get comfortable on the air mattress. Her bed was supposed to be arriving today and she hoped sooner than later.

She had her work plans spread out in front of her trying to get a feel for what to place on her menu. She had composed a good amount before there was a knock on the door. Come in she says.

Shipp comes in with a tank top and those damn sweat. She pats the bed have a seat. She had a pen between her lips and she is working hard at moving things on the screen just how she wants it.

Shipp He says am I interrupting?
A'llanah not at all sir.
Shipp pokes her side. Sir?
A'llanah ahhhh she dropped her pen out of her mouth. Its really a professional habit.
Shipp says you're working off the clock again?
A'llanah prep. life is all about preparation. Failure to plan is a plan to fail...
Shipp so what happened last night? Did you plan to kiss me last night?
A'llanah Just so we are clear, you kissed me. We didn't get to my activity of choice, even though, I won the wrestling.

Shipp says exactly what was your activity of choice Ms. A'llanah.

A'llanah ooh, she says internally at the way that his voice caressed her name.
Shipp says earth to A'llanah.
A'llanah smirks. I'm not trying to get fired before I get started.

Shipp it won't matter what you say, i already paid you for 2 months up front.
A'llanah whips her head crashing their foreheads....

They both grab their foreheads....
A'llanah im so sorry. She rubs his head and places a sweet kiss on his forehead.

Shipp pulls her hands down and holds them at the wrist. cut the bullshit, why are you single?

A'llanah shrugs I don't know. I guess cause i speak up for myself and work like crazy. Why you know someone that is interested?

Shipp I might.

A'llanah well you tell him meet me tomorrow for my 5 am run so we can kick the shit.

Shipp chuckles you and 5 am...

A'llanah best to to get it in....

Shipp oh is it really?

They stay up all night talking with her doing cooking for his meals even though he said that she didn't have too...

She is downing fruit bowls left and right.

Shipp says you don't eat meat?

A'llanah bacon every once in a blue.

Shipp nods and makes mental notes.

She opens the fridge once more and is taking inventory in her mind.
The phone rings and Shipp answers it.... What okay im on my way. She looks over and and he is scrambling to get together.

A'llanah says Mr. Shipp inhale deeply for me...... Exhale she walks over to him and touches the side of his face calmly. He was in the midst of ramping up for a panic attack....
A'llanah look at me... breathe..... close your eyes and open them slowly..... Now tell me what happened... He says my mother she fell and broke her leg.

A'llanah let me have the keys... I'll take you where you need to be.

Its pouring but she drives as quickly as she could in in the mess and pull him up to the ER entrance. I'm going to park and meet you inside.

She parks pulls her hoodie up and runs inside of the ER the nurse is talking to him and she stands off to the side.... The nurse is taking him to see his mom. He stops and turns around come on.

He reaches out for her hand.

She catches it and they walk. She had already been transferred to a room. She perks up when she sees Shipp come through the door.
A'llanah lets his hand go and says I'll be right back.

Mrs. Shipp watches her leave the room and says you two look cozy.... Son, are you cooking in more than one place.
Shipp blushes a little... mom i came here to check on you.
Mrs. Shipp ummm hmmm
Shipp she had to drive me i was flipping out.

The soft tap at the door was A'llanah she comes in carrying a beautiful bouquet of roses.
Mrs. Shipp thank you sweetheart.

A'llanah you are most welcome Mrs. Shipp.....

The first two weeks that she is there, she makes sure everyone is excited about the food she is making and she asks for their input as well. One more Shipp wakes sup at 5 am to make house rounds checking on everyone when he looks in and cannot find Divinity. He is panicked. He rushed downstairs after looking in all the other rooms.

He makes it to the clearing where he can see the kitchen and sees Divinity sitting up on the counter and A'llanah teaching her how to make her very favorite meal.

He heads back upstairs quietly and his phone chimes a minute later.

Pictures of Divinity making french toast. She is a natural. You may have to put her in lessons soon.

Shipp smiles and texts back. Are you taking students?

A'llanah always.

By the end of the month Divinity made parts of breakfast each morning. He knew she loved it, but probably loved the female attention more.
A'llanah was amazing. The boys were even trying food that they never ate before. She was always super sweet and attentive with the kids answering questions 100 times over if they asked. Outside of her work time, she stayed in her room or she went to the buildings gym or for a run.

Ever since their first kiss they hadn't pushed the envelope again. She wanted him to respect her as a professional and nothing less. She went home on the weekends that she wasn't working leaving plenty of food behind.------------------------------6 months had gone by.... ----------------------------

One Saturday, night Shipp, calls her and says that Will, and Britt, are having a dinner party.
A'llanah you want me to come cook?

Shipp chuckles no ma'am you are invited as my plus one if you accept.
A'llanah sounds interesting. What is your favorite color and dressy or black tie....

Shipp he says semi dressy.


When his bell rings 30 minutes later his mouth drops open.... A'llanah had a red and black bandage dress that wouldn't quit. He grabs his jacket at the wine bag and says lets ride....

When they arrive the house is packed and Britt comes to the door. She snaps a picture of them together and then lets them in. You two look amazing. A'llanah thank you, so much.
Britt says Shipp say bye bye, im stealing her now....

She goes down the hallway with A'llanah... Girl this outfit yes ma'am....
They go to giggling and talking and Will says Aye Shipp how are you doing.

Shipp your wife stole my date.
Will says woah.... you have a date.... hold up!

Shipp Will, shut up I brought A'llanah as my date.

Will i knew your punk ass liked her... good choice man.

Shipp I don't know, I don't think she is feeling me.

Will she wouldn't have come with you then.

Shipp you think so?

Will says where was she when you called her?

Shipp at her house about 45 minutes away....

Will i rest my case. My G time is ticking... its been almost a decade since you've been in the game.

Shipp that's the thing, I don't want to play any games.

Will then don't.... he walks off.... A'llanah comes down the hall looking frantic. she is searching for Shipp who had stepped off into the bathroom. She was trying to wait for him to reappear, but she was falling to pieces. She spots Britt and says please tell Mr. Shipp I have to go, its an emergency heading back home .

She slips out he door as soon as Britt goes off to look for Shipp.

She still had to head to his place to grab her car and then head home.

She reached home and runs into her mother's arms her grandmother had just passed away and they needed to make a flight at once. She packs in between comforting her mother.... stepped away in the bathroom to answer Shipp's facetime.

He says hey is everything okay?
A'llanah shakes her head no, wiping tears.... my grandmother just passed away and we have to head to Jamaica for the funeral preparations.

Shipp okay, no worries... im so sorry for your loss A'llanah. Is there anything i can do for your family.... She says i can't even think straight, sobbing into the phone, we just have to get there...

Shipp says load your family up and and me me at JFK i can charter a private jet to take you all where you need to go....

A'llanah thank you. She wipes more tears i will call you when we are leaving....Mr.Shipp?
Shipp yes?
A'llanah will you be able to make the trip with us. I mean i know its short....
Shipp sure, whatever you need.
They disconnect and he calls Britt and Will for the huge favor. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone...

Britt and Will are like go we got it... no worries....

Shipp throws some clothing in a bag and his passport and a suit and shoes, his clippers and he locks the house up. He grabs a car service to the airport and checks in with the pilot and pays the fee.

15 minutes later she and her family arrive. She is distraught. He had never met her family before and he was sad that it had to be on this occasion.

He embraces each lady tightly and gives his condolences and white roses.

They board the flight and her sister and mom sit together along with her baby niece Gia.

Demetrius and A'llanah sit in the back where she sobs until she falls asleep. He consoles her, wipes her tears and kisses her head... He had no clue what kind of straight jacket they would put him in when his mother passed on. He was going to tell her she couldn't go. His shirt was soaked but he didn't care.... he nestled the blanket around them and tries to catch some shut eye. It had already been a long day!

They arrive some hours later in Jamaica...

A'llanah and the family load into the van and Shipp checks them into a 5 star hotel.
He gets in the shower and lathers up. Boy if ever there was a time he wished Cali would reach out.... She didn't.

CALIFORNIA LOVE-(pt2) The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now