California Love-The Aftermath pt 37

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California Love-The Aftermath
post 37
Written by Heavynli

Demetrius says just so happens I have all night so get to talking Gabrielle...

She spins an elaborate tale abut someone breaking in and trashing the place while she was out.

Demetrius says why didn't you call me..
Gabrielle says you can call them right now baby.
He says  here you call them he hands her his phone and while he is upstairs looking at the footage of the house on the dvr.... She was going through his phone and text messages.... the last one was to Dyna....

Demetrius-Thank you and I love you...

He comes downstairs and says are the cops on their way?

Gabrielle you were texting your ex???? I'm your fucking wife Demetrius.... ME you know the one you cheated on her with, the one she left you for?

Demetrius's face balls up he wanted to smack the shit out of her, but he could hear Cali's voice. DEMETRIUS DON'T YOU DARE!!!!

He took a deep breath and stood up straight.

Demetrius Gabrielle.... you know what. this is not what I was expecting to come home to, today. I'm just trying to set it straight with all the ladies in my life.

Gabrielle there should only be one woman in your life! ME. All the other's don't matter. I'm pregnant with YOUR BABY!!!

Demetrius says and some days that seems to be the only kid you care about.

Gabrielle gets in his face, you damn right it is! This is my prize money right here...

She had been holding his phone in phone in her hand the whole time and dialed Dyna by mistake....

Dyna is listening to all  the crazy back and forth with them. She calls about 3 hours later when she thought it would be safe.

Gabrielle answers... what do you want bitch...

Dyna for you to wait for me outside im coming over...

Dyna calls Britt and Britt tells will to pack the kids up and go to Dyna's that they wanted to go to a movie...

He believed her....

Britt and Dyna roll up and ring the bell....

Demetrius comes to the door and Gabrielle does too... ladies what do we owe the pleasure.

Dyna says Demetrius move...

Demetrius what is going on .

Britt says fuck this shit she smack theeeeeee fuuuuucccccckkkkk out of Gabrielle... I don't give a fuck that you're with child... you fucking leech...

Gabrielle hits the  the door jamb and Shipp is like AYEEEEEE ladies what the fuck.. Dyna shoves Shipp out the way and closes the door....
When the cops roll up to the house..... Gabrielle is begging them to take her with them....

Britt  and Dyna are all but full on laughing as Demetrius snatched the wedding ring off her finger and made her sign divorce papers he had his lawyer fax over... He told her if she didn't that he would release the tape of the attempted break in to the cops... which would land her some charges for filing a false report....

Britt makes her flinch on the way out the.... and Dyna loses it and busts out laughing... When the cops escort her out of the neighborhood...

Demetrius says okay Charlies angels... ya'll gonna help me clean up.

Dyna and Britt are like fuck outta here B, we gone!!!! have fun...

Demetrius is exhausted by morning cleaning up all the shit Cali had broken...
Cali pops in and says i'd help you if I could....

Demetrius shakes his head. You damn women are driving me nuts...

He puts the broom down and sets up a cleaning service for tomorrow and starts looking for a new place, this one had bad juju
He texts Dyna until he falls asleep.

He slept for about 4 hours and wakes up to the house surrounded by red and blue flashing lights...


Demetrius comes to the door and opens it and they throw him on the ground, you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Gabrielle Shipp....

Demetrius is struggling as they lift him up and read him his rights....

He is quiet  and when he gets to the stations he uses his phone call to call Britt who is sleep...

Britt woah slow down who the hell... what the hell... what the fuck im on my fucking way.... 

Luckily they had all camped out at Dyna's house and she wakes her and tells her what's going on as they head to the house.... Dyna gets the tape out the DVR and she had the text messages that he sent her....

The cops review all the footage and one of the cops say we have the footage of her place too.... the cops review it and they come out letting Demetrius go.... They go down to the hospital and arrested a bruised and battered Gabrielle...

The nurse and doctor come in and say she is high risk pregnancy especially after all that she had been through today.... she had been contracting when she came in but they had given her a shot to stop it... it had slowed but not complete....

Demetrius says Dyna I need a huge favor and if you can't I understand.

Dyna what is it Demetrius... can you keep all the kids just until I get a new place.

Dyna says Mr. Shipp its be an extremely long day... there is a pillow and a blanket I will talk to you later goodnight.

Demetrius no kiss... he says as she is walking away...

Britt says you better be lucky she didn't  shoot your ass, I would have!

Demetrius.... I know Britt, I know

Britt says good keep that in mind before you pick up the next Gym Jezzabell! Sweet dreams!

Demetrius lays away on the couch of his ex wife knowing that he fucked up on epic levels......

That night was a year ago...


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