California Love-The Aftermath pt39

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California Love-The Aftermath
Post 39
Written by Heavynli

Demetrius, stares at his ex. She was stunning..... like every time he saw her, his breath left his body. He wanted her in every single way. He replayed each moment of them being together sexually when he was alone... She was his sexual soulmate... no offense to Cali, but even when she was mad, she rarely held out on throwing it down. Now another nicca was going to have it... Ugh.

Dyna -why are you staring at me?

Demetrius- because I'm still in love with you... I know that you have moved on, but your body hasn't. It's never a problem for me to fill any request you want, but I don't know if I can go cold turkey....

In a matter of minutes they are on the staircase their bodies entwined in a sexual twist....

She moans and he cries out her name ending their 20 minute get down session.

She wipes her lipstick off his face and pulls her clothes back together....

Demetrius... see, you got me hooked like crack.

Dyna kisses his lips while straddling him again... sorry bout that... Damn she slides down and takes off upstairs... Let yourself out she yells over her shoulder...

Demetrius is on his way out the door and he sees Christopher pulling up. He parks right next to Demetrius' car. Demetrius pulls his phone out and text dyna heads up ole' boy is here.... clean yourself up and throw yah panties that are in the bag in the trash..

Dyna is in the shower and comes out just as the bell is ringing...

She comes down and sees her phone and stops to check it...

She runs back up the steps and throws some cold cream on her face...
She opens the door and Christopher smiles... hey baby..

Dyna hey babe, what a surprise

Christopher I couldn't wait another day to see you and the kids...

Dyna they are with Grammy this weekend...

Christopher... oh so you are free to spend the night with daddy... pack a little back and lets ride...

Christopher drives her to his place about an hour away...

Dyna already knew something was up when he talked about Demetrius the whole way there...

Christopher... im just saying, if the kids are with his mom, why was he at your house?

Dyna people stop by, you just did when you said you were coming tomorrow...

Christopher looks over at her and says is that because you were visiting with baby daddy he put air quotes...

Dyna says are you accusing me of something specific Christopher...

Christopher are you confessing to something, because if I find out....

Dyna makes a face and then she felt a sting...

MOTHER FUCKER YOU HIT ME... another slap follows and she banged her head on the glass of the car door.

He grabs her shirt... you're fucking that nicca aint you?

She screams and reaches for the door handle which finally released her from the car... She and her purse tumble to the ground and she scrambles to her feet...

her nose was bleeding.... She calls 911 before he made his way out of the car... she runs to the neighbors house and bangs on the door. The maid comes and opens the door..OMG miss what happened?

Just let me in she screams....

Christopher is charging toward them and she yanked the door shut just in time and calls the cops.... then she calls Britt... omg omg please. I need you to come get me... she rattles off the address of the neighbor...

Brittany is doing 95 and hoping to goodness nothing jumps out at her...

She pulls up to see 15 cop cars blocking off the neighborhood. ma'am you can't come in this division, there is a manhunt going on.... shit.... Britt knew that Dyna had said not to call Shipp, but she had no choice that crazy motherfucker might be out there... oh god... she calls shipps mother and will... get the kids and go to the Beverly whilshire... okay okay...

She calls Shipp

Demetrius ay yo Britt Brat whaddup??? what? WHHHHATTTTTTTTTT


Christopher is brought into the station and held without bail....

Dyna had a few cuts and bruises and was scared out of her wits...

Shipp follows her to the hospital... the doctors keep him outside while they check her over...

He hears her sobbing...

Finally the nurse says she is asking for you....

They step out and close the door...

Demetrius listens to what she says and he says oh god, baby im sorry....

Dyna sobs into his chest.... they admit her and keep her under observation and he sits there with her all night.... he called his mom and updated her.

Mrs. Shipp says son oh my gosh....

Demetrius I know mama, but we need to take care of her when she gets out tomorrow...

Mrs. Shipp of course we will.

The next day he carefully takes her into his house and upstairs into the bedroom... He grabs her meds and makes her comfortable... she falls asleep crying...

Britt says hey friend how is my other friend?

Demetrius sighs recovering... apparently no one knew she was pregnant...

Britt omg please let that be the end of the sentence..

Demetrius afraid not Britt... you already know our 3rd pregnancy gone..

Britt wait, hold up what do you mean your as in you and her

Demetrius looks at Britt and says don't act like you don't know

Britt on a stack of bibles held by moses I didn't! She didn't tell me anything about you two freaking again..

Demetrius 1/2 smiles... damn she kept it in...

Britt apparently...

They would later find out that Christopher had tweaked the surveillance cameras to send a play back to his house as well.... and he saw the two encounters that took place that day and that is why he came over....

the judge put him away for 10 years no parole...

Dyna had been staying with Shipp ever since too scared to go to the house alone... so it was back to the drawing board of finding a place

Demetrius says how about we just move to the east coast for real this time...

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