author's note

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A man with a madonna-whore complex is a man who will sleep with and lust for a sexual and beautiful woman but he will never respect her as "wife" material and he will never marry her. In his eyes, she is tainted, impure, and unworthy of the status of wife-yet he may possess passionate and contradictory feelings for her. He may even be in love with her but will never allow himself to be with her in any real sense. He will look for a "good girl" to marry-usually a woman who is cold sexually but, for example, is good at "wifely" domestic things: cooking, cleaning, homemaking in general, etc. A proper, pure "madonna" type woman who will bear his children.

WHORE COMPLEX adalah seri kedua dari Dark Romance Series. Cerita ini adalah hasil dari imajinasiku.

Terdapat bahasa kasar, adegan kekerasan dan dewasa yang dimana tidak cocok untuk pembaca dibawah umur. Be Responsible Please.

Cerita ini cerita fiksi dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan kehidupanku. Tolong dihargai cerita ini, selain itu apresiasi pembaca sangat dibutuhkan dalam pengembangan cerita dalam bentuk Vote, Komentar, dan Share.

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Cerita ini pemeran perempuannya tidak akan selemah Arlene di Delicate, tapi tetap aja sering ditindas. Selain itu, cerita ini akan sering flashback untuk menggambarkan hubungan awal mereka.

Whore-Complex adalah cerita dark romance. Berikut ini adaah istilah DARK ROMANCE menurut adalah A sub-genre of romance that contains controversial themes throughout the plot or characters with questionable morale and background. This can also be described as the' villain love interest' trope manifesting into a genre. Singkatnya, plot dan karakter cerita questionable, tidak bermoral, tidak ada romantis seperti cerita biasa dan sinetron yang ditonton, penyiksaan psikis dan emosional, kekerasan seksual, adegan erotis kentara, dan karakter cerita tidak realistis.

Please be kind to share your votes and comment guys. Especially your comments because I LOVE to hear/read your theories/thoughts about every chapter. Aku tidak menuntut kalian untuk melakukan hal diatas, tapi writing needs effort and you can support us (me and you) to build this story even better.

Ceritanya masih belum jelas dan berbelit-belit. Banyak plot holes, pilihan kata yang buruk, sudut pandang yang kacau, dan bahasa yang sulit dimengerti untuk beberapa orang. Jika tidak ingin menyaksikan semua kekurangan cerita, mending gausah baca ya.

Update sekali seminggu dan harinya tidak menentu.

START: June 26, 2019
END: -
*Start writing this when I was 17, probably my writing style is changing during those times.

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WHORE-COMPLEX is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental, and not intended by the author.

Love, ZheVloet

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