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Me and Chaeyoung were sitting on her couch looking at the news, still talking about what happened three days ago

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Me and Chaeyoung were sitting on her couch looking at the news, still talking about what happened three days ago.

"The victim, Oh Se-hun, a high school boy, was found without his head who was placed on top of a female student lap who was passed out. The cops still have found no traces or clue about who did this and no testimony, not even from the student herself. The girl was taken to the hospital and the next day got discharged. The cops think there's nothing to worry about. That this seems a one time episode that won't happen again. Stay tuned for more update on the case."

I sighed and closed my eyes, flashbacks passing through my mind, making me shake badly and start to cry, Chaeyoung turned off the TV and hugged my traumatized self.

Since that episode Chaeyoung spent as much time as possible with me even inviting me basically everyday at her house, but I kept saying I was fine and not to worry. I knew she knew I was lying, but she also knew that going against me was useless. I was a stubborn one.

Every time I closed my eyes, the scene of Sehun's head getting ripped away so easily, without the murder feeling a little bit guilty, played in my mind like a movie, a horror movie. I still felt his blood on me, the dress I had got ruined and I threw it away, but Chaeyoung immediately brought another one identic, thinking that maybe that would have made me feel better. How? She thought that, you know, seeing that the dress was there would have helped me think it was some kind of dream. But I knew too well, it wasn't a fucking nightmare. It was the cruel reality. Sehun might have been a dick but he was a nice guy, teenagers often act carelessly. He didn't deserve to die.

I stopped crying and dried my tears with the back of my hand, that fucking vampire this time fucked me up, but not enough to give up and go to her. I wasn't at her will. She couldn't tell me what to do. And she couldn't threaten me with the life of my best friend and friends. Luckily she didn't know about my mother or else she would have really got me. I rarely went to visit my mother since she was basically always asleep. Till all this shit wouldn't have been done, I promised myself not to go visit her if not really necessary to protect her.

I stood up from the couch saying low «Do you mind if I take a bath?»
She shook her head «Not at all. If you want some bath bombs or oils or minerals, you know where they are. Feel free to use them.»
I nodded and went upstairs towards Chaeyoung room since yeah, she had guest rooms but we preferred to be together.

I took my personal robe, since I often stayed with Chaeyoung I had a lot of items here, just like she had a lot of hers at my house. We might be exchanged for an actual couple. Honestly sometimes we acted like one, but we were just like sisters.

I turned on the water filling the bathtub, for then looking at the bath bombs, searching for the one that had fake cheery tree flowers petal and made the water pink and cherry scented. I found it and smiled, I was about to close the box, but a black one with bloody red dots caught my attention, I knew Chaeyoung being rich had very unique stuff, so even bath bombs that she requested, so I thought that was one of the special requests she might have done. I placed both on the side of the bathtub, closing the water and stripping from my clothes, I looked in the full length mirror and sighed, I still had the bruises caused by the harsh way Lady Jisoo grabbed me and pushed me, her fangs holes were still there. They would have been there for a long time, I remember the light one on my neck took me two weeks, this one being deep since she fully sinked her teeth in would have lasted waaayy longer.

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