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«Jisoo unnie

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«Jisoo unnie...» Lisa whispered as tears started falling, grabbing the attention of a still scared Momo

«Lisa, baby, are you okay?» Lisa didn't answer her but kept her gaze locked with the vampire, Momo followed her gaze and almost threw up at the grotesque scene in front of her but she kept being strong and looked at the woman covered in blood then back at Lisa «Do you know her?»
Lisa still didn't answer but the protective bubble around them just disappeared, as Jisoo slowly made her way to Lisa and crouched grabbing Lisa's chin gently but strongly leaving some blood traces
«Missed me doll?»
Lisa blinked and slapped her hand away, tears not wanting to stop, no matter the hurt but mad expression she had «What are you doing here? I told you I don't want anything else to do with you.»
«I saved your flat ass and this is how you react?» Lady Jisoo scoffed «I told to that Seulgi to come herself but she said I had too. Weird, weird elf...»
Lisa blurted out «Cause she can see the future.»
Lady Jisoo shrugged «Interesting. So my sweet Lali» Lisa gasped at the familiar nickname «Are you and Miss Hirai Momo here for real in a relationship? Have you already got over me?»
Momo gasped and said accusingly «You're the one who hurt her!!! Go away whatever you are!»
Jisoo scoffed mad «You humans don't know what respect is, don't you? I must teach you a lesson.» Lisa held more tightly Momo saying not minding the now many tears
«Stay away from her Kim Jisoo. Get out of my life!! Let me heal and be happy!! You kicked me away from your castle, from your dimension, you pushed me away from you! Why are you still here!? Why are you still talking to me!?»
«Cause after all, you're still my target. Aren't you? My job is to kill you, am I wrong?»
Lisa bit her lip, keeping her gaze locked with Jisoo «You let me go instead of killing me. Why would you now?»
Jisoo smirked and patted her head «So smart little Lali. But you know I could always change my mind.»
«Then do it.» Lisa challenged her letting Momo go and standing up, followed by Jisoo «Do it.»
Jisoo scoffed and looked away «I can't.»
«Told you.» said Lisa drying her tears but Jisoo immediately said
«Not because I want it like this. But because you, just like me, Jennie and Chaeyoung are being kept under control for some reasons, we can't die if possible. Therefore I can't kill you.»
Lisa's eyebrows furrowed «Who's controlling us?»
«The Elders.» Jisoo said
«How do you know this?»
«Cause I've been told so from a very trustworthy source. So beware. I'll see you soon my sweet Lali.» she said smirking
«Don't ever show yourself again.» Momo and Lisa involuntarily said together, Jisoo snickered and said before disappearing
«Someone will come to clean.»

After a couple seconds of silence Lisa sighed and scratched her head «Crap... This isn't good.»
Momo tugged on Lisa's shirt getting her attention «I think you own all of us an explanation.»
Lisa sighed «Wait a moment. Someone is coming.»

And just like that a group of creatures appeared, taking the bodies and cleaning, two boys approached them, the taller one said «You all must forget.»
Lisa said «Not everyone. Me and Momo can't.»
He raised an eyebrow «Why?»
«Cause The Elders wouldn't approve. Plus, I also have some kind of powers. While Momo, well, she's girlfriend. I wanna be honest with her.»
The shorter guy asked «What are you?»
Lisa said in the most obvious tone «A human. Duh. But seems like I'm not exactly normal...»
The guy widened his eyes «Lalisa Manoban?»
The said girl nodded «In person.»
The taller one said «I guess we can't. But the others, we have to. It would be too risky for us. They might tell about it.»
Lisa sighed and looked back at all the frightened and confused members of the club «Fine. But not Momo.» they nodded and got to work, while Lisa hugged Momo and told her «I'll tell you everything once we're home, arasso?»
She nodded and slightly pushed herself away just to look at the Thai girl eyes «Just one question, should I worry?»
Lisa shook her head giving her a small smile «No baby, nothing to be worried about.»
She nodded and interlaced their hands «Shall we go then?» Lisa nodded and the two left.

Forbidden Love // Lisoo 리수 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now