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«LISA! LISA! OH MY GOD! NO! NO!» yelled Chaeyoung as everyone was panicking«I'M GONNA KILL YOU! YOU BASTARD!» yelled beyond mad Jisoo quickly reaching the first culprit and literally ripping him in half, blood spilling everywhere as she charged th...

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«LISA! LISA! OH MY GOD! NO! NO!» yelled Chaeyoung as everyone was panicking
«I'M GONNA KILL YOU! YOU BASTARD!» yelled beyond mad Jisoo quickly reaching the first culprit and literally ripping him in half, blood spilling everywhere as she charged the second one and detached every single limb from his body for then also tear him apart.

People were screaming terrorized, running around, some were shocked and petrified while Jennie also kneeled beside Lisa trying to help her, BamBam, Ten and Momo trying to keep everyone inside the school, the Red Velvet girls stopping everyone knowing they had to delete some of their memories later.

The ambulance getting nearer and nearer called by someone.

*A couple of hours before...*

«Chaeyoung, I'm so anxious. You're an amazing singer, your vocals are amazing, while mine aren't... I'm more the rapper type...» Lisa confessed while shaking her hands
«So what if you're a rapper? Doesn't mean you're not a great singer, I've heard you and know you. You're just as good as me.» Chaeyoung comforted her as Lisa shook her head
«No, no, I'm not. But, thanks Chae. I will try my best. Hopefully I won't mess up.»
The two hugged «Don't worry, everything will go perfectly smooth.»

«Yo! Look at the two of you, Jennie noona helped with the costumes didn't she?» asked BamBam admiring the super cute girls
Jennie's voice ringed «Two of my best pieces. They're definitely amazing, I'm so proud to start a business even in this world soon and have this two as my main models.»
Lisa looked behind Jennie and saw Jisoo with a scrunched face «You're too cute Lali, I would have preferred something more badass but at least it's black.»
Lisa blushed, her girlfriend had very peculiar ways of complimenting her and expressing positive things.

Joy asked «Why are you in Dark Lisa's form? Yet your eyes are normal?»
Lisa explained «Jennie though Dark Lisa's hair would have fit better with the dress, as for my eyes they're contacts just like you all have.» she then skipped towards Jisoo and hugged her «Unnie! We reserved you all the seats in the very front.»
Jisoo smiled «That's my little Lali.» she then pecked the younger neck, deciding to nibble it a little, Lisa pushed her away and said
«I have a performance unnie.»

«Chaelisa you're next!» Miss CL said then added «Oww, look at you two, my favorite students are so beautiful. Don't tell anyone I have favorites.» she winked as everyone chuckled
I suddenly exclaimed «I WILL PEE MYSELF! I FEEL THAT!»
Momo laughed «Come on idiot you'll do great, it's less scary than you think.»

Later, as everyone was in their spot, the performance started, the two students were singing L.O.V.E by Nat King.

The two were simply amazing, Lisa's vocals were really good differently from what Lisa kept saying. The two young girl voices together were so perfect, the harmonies were amazing, the dancing, the girls were amazing, even Jisoo loved the performance though, once again she would have preferred something more badass.

Forbidden Love // Lisoo 리수 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now