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«Lisa is being tested right now by Bam and Ten

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«Lisa is being tested right now by Bam and Ten.» Jennie informed me while applying some lip tint «They wanna see if she's the so called Supreme or a VirusK.»
«Uh?» I asked confused and feeling my dead heart clench at the sound of my human name «Do they even know what to do?»
Jennie shrugged «Honestly? I have no idea. They look quite dumb but also smart so, I don't know.»
I sighed and petted Dalgom «She's not a VirusK. Not saying she's the Ethereal Supreme cause we all know that shit ain't real.» my eyes widened and Jennie said blinking
«You were a little bit more sophisticated in words... Lalisa's way of talking really rubbed off on you.»
I ignored and went on «She surely isn't just a normal human, we know that. But she can't be a VirusK either, cause she, as much as I hate to admit this, she's probably something stronger... Perhaps the first type of a new specie? We all know that new creatures are always appearing. Look at those Elf Hybrids. Hybrids were just related to animals, but look what a hybrid and elf love gave birth to. Even though she's born in a human family, it doesn't mean she might not have some genetical mutation or I don't know some new developed brain or whatever.»
Jennie hummed and said seriously sitting legs crossed in front of me on my bed «Jisoo, we need to talk.»
I looked at her «About what?»
«Lisa.» she simply said
«We are not talking about her.» I warned her
«You can't even say her name Jisoo...» Jennie started ignoring the warning «I know you're hurting. You fell for her, you developed feelings for her, it's okay to be sad. It's okay to cry or scream.»
«Shut up!» I shouted authoritative
Jennie pulled me in a hug «It's okay to be hurt...»
«Jennie... I'm gonna hurt you. Stop it.» I pushed my friend away «Stop saying stupid things! Go away! You annoyed me already! Go to your human or to supervise the hybrids test I don't care!»
Jennie sighed «Fine. Keep being a denial bitch and suffer.»

I wasn't shocked in hearing her curse, for as much pure she was she had a dark side, everyone does after all. She disappeared and I was left alone.

«Dalgomie~ Do you think your mama's dead heart can hurt? Do you think I miss her?» Dalgom looked at me «I can say her name. I called her by her name when I saw her. When she was with... That Momo girl. She's my property, I own her! How dare she start a relationship with that pathetic human? She's mine! And mine only!» Dalgom tilted his head as if to question my statement «Yeah okay I kicked her out of here, I pushed her away. Okay, I did something stupid. But, understand me, our... Gross I can't believe I'm saying this... Our love is forbidden. We couldn't be together anyway, so what's the point on letting something foster when it's just gonna perish? I know technically we Vampires can't feel much pain, especially emotionally, but, why it hurts like this?» I sighed and layed down bringing Dalgom on my chest «What should mommy do Dalgomie?»

My phone ringed and I grabbed it groaning, not liking being disturbed when I was in thoughts, I read the ID "Mother". I sighed and answered

(Js=Jisoo JsM= Jisoo's mother)

Js: Hello mother.
JsM: Jisoo, the Kim's are really offended by your behavior. I heard it's been more than a year now that someway or another you've been avoiding Seokjin. Do you want to disappoint us so much? Do you really want to bring shame on your family? We worked so har-
Js: Hush mother. I don't care about the rant you always give me. I don't like Kim Seokjin and I never will. If you want someone in our family to get married ask Namjoon. He's my brother after all, isn't he?

Forbidden Love // Lisoo 리수 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now