27. blinded

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27. blinded


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     'WE'RE NOT LEAVING,' RICK SAID, loading up a machine gun.

'We can't stay here,' Hershel interjected.

'We can't even go outside,' Beth added.

'If Rick says we're not running, then we're not running,' Glenn spoke clearly.

Quinn shared a glare with Michonne. They were back in C block, discussing what to do next and no one seemed to agree with each other. Quinn was leaning against the wall as she listened to the conversation going. She knew whatever she would say would be rejected anyways so she kept her mouth shut as she kept her gaze focused on Rick. He was the leader, he was going to have to make a decision.

'No, better to live like rats,' Merle's voice sounded through the cell block. They had locked him behind the gate to the enterence of the block but that hadn't stopped him from joining the conversation.

'You got a better idea?' Rick snapped at him.

'Yeah, we should've slipped out of here last night, live to fight another day. We lost that one though, didn't we. I'm sure he's got scouts on every road to this place by now.'

'We ain't scared of that prick,' Daryl told his brother.

'Ya'll should be,' Merle replied. 'That truck through the fence thing. That's just him ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the guns and the numbers and if he takes the high ground around this place. Shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to.'

'Do you ever stop talking?' Quinn said, looking at the man with an angry frown.

'Come now, don't be like that,' Merle told her, smiling. 'We had our fun together, didn't we?'

Quinn narrowed at him. 'You're disgusting.'

'But he's right,' Daryl said, looking at her.

She scoffed, knowing it was the truth but far too proud to admit it.

'This is all you,' Maggie suddenly yelled, pointing at Merle, 'you started this.'

'What's the difference whose fault it is?' Beth cut her off. 'What do we do?'

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