31. what hurts the most

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what hurts the most

 what hurts the most

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     WHILE HITTING THE PANS IN HER HANDS TO CREATE as much noise as possible, she yelled as loudly as she could. The walkers came stumbling towards the noise but luckily for her a fence was keeping them seperated. Together with Maggie and Carl she was luring the walkers away so Glenn and Daryl could place some obstacles in the grass so another car wouldn't be able to drive inside that easily anymore. Michonne was standing next to them, slicing the walkers down that weren't headed for the noise they were making.

Hitting the pan one last time she noticed they were done, jumping into the car and driving towards the gate, which Rick opened for them. Quinn started heading back towards the courtyard with Maggie and Carl behind her. She watched them climb out of the car as she walked up to them.

'They try to drive up to the gate again, maybe some blown tires will stop them,' Glenn explained their plan to Rick.

'That's a good idea,' the man responded.

'It was Michonne's,' Daryl said, his gaze focused on Rick and Quinn slightly frowned when it lingered there. Almost as if he meant to say more by it.

'We don't have to win,' Michonne said, walking up to them making Quinn look away from Daryl. 'We just have to make their getting at us more trouble than it's worth.'

Rick nodded. 'Let's go.' And they headed back towards the cellblock.

Once inside Quinn headed for her own cell. It was empty and dark but it was her home now and she was just gonna have to make the best of it. She took off her jacket and threw it on the chair that stood in the corner. The days were getting colder but here inside it was still warm enough to walk around without a jacket.

'You seen Merle?' A rough voice asked.

She turned around, seeing Daryl stand in the doorway, his crossbow swung around his shoulder as he looked at her. Frowning at him she shook her head. 'Why'd you think I know where he is?'

He gave a small shrug. 'You two seem pretty damn tight.'

A chuckle escaped her lips as she leaned against the wall. 'Merle isn't tight with anyone. Except maybe you.'

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