38. isolation

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38. isolation


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     THE SMELL OF BURNT FLESH WAS PAINFUL in his nose as he stared at the bodies on the ground. There was almost nothing left of them, just black chunks of flesh and a horrible smell that made his eyes tear up. His heart ached in his chest as he looked at the burned bodies. Karen and David were gone, someone had burned them alive. It looked to Milo like a hopeless attempt to stop the virus from spreading but that didn't make it any more okay.

'You found 'em like this?' Rick questioned Tyreese.

The man was standing still as a statue, breathing heavily, his eyes focused on the burned bodies as if they were the only things in the world. Anger seemed to radiate off the man, so much so that Milo felt like he could touch it.

A few minutes ago Tyreese had come charging unto the courtyard, yelling that someone had killed Karen and David. Killed had turned out to be a mild way of expressing what had truly happened.

Finally Tyreese turned to face Rick. 'I came to see Karen,' he mumbled, then pointed at the floor. 'I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them.' He took a deep breath before suddenly screaming: 'Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire!' He looked around, as if seeing things they couldn't. 'They killed them and set 'em on fire!'

Suddenly he turned and took a step towards Rick. 'You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me! You understand? You bring 'em to me!'

Daryl took a step forwards, trying to put his hand on Tyreese shoulder to calm him down. 'We'll find out who-'

But Tyreese didn't let him finish, hitting away Daryl's hand while keeping his gaze focused on Rick. 'Do I need to say it again?' He groaned at the former cop.

Rick gave a shake of his head, raising his hands to try and calm the man down. 'No, no. I know what you're feeling. I've been there, you saw me there, it's dangerous.'

Images of the night Rick had started yelling like a mad man at ghosts in his head flashed through Milo's mind and he knew Tyreese must've remembered it as well, but the man seemed unable to think rationally and let himself remember it. 'Karen didn't deserve this!' He screamed loudly. 'David didn't deserve it. Nobody does!'

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