Bonus Surprise.

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My eyes were closed as sun rays kissed my face. Despite of bright sunlight, cool sea breeze had let me relax in this awesome atmosphere.

I was at peace although my ears could hear their voices in the background. My family with their shrills and excitement were very audible to my ears. After all it was my husband's surprise to organize our tenth anniversary celebration on a cruise ship.

I wanted this so badly. A holiday from all this daily routine.

I had no reason to complain because I was already contented with my life but this was a much needed break and I couldn't thank Riddhant for more. He was my fairy godmother in disguise of my husband. I mentally laughed at the image that formed in my head.

All the people I loved were on the ship to celebrate and enjoy the time they had before going back to their busy lives. Though Tiara and Ian couldn't make it but we'll be meeting them very soon, maybe next month.

This is a ten days holiday trip and the first day is about to end.

I wanted nothing more than to be freezed in time. It felt so good to be true.

As I opened my eyes, my dear husband was the one whose orbs met mine. His gaze was constantly on me. A feeling of satisfaction on his face and a smile playing on his lips.

"Hey." I whispered.

He caressed my knuckles.

"Hey. Did I disturb you?" He asked.

I smiled. This was one of the things about Riddhant that I
loved the most. His solicitude.

I shook my head, "No. But since when were you watching me?"

"I don't know, I couldn't keep a track of time when I'm busy admiring my beautiful wife." He winked and I blushed.

"Do you still find me beautiful?" I asked him and his demeanor changed.

"Yes but I find you hot as well." He said before he dipped his head to meet my lips.

So many things had changed in a span of ten years but one thing which didn't was Riddhant's cheesiness and our romance.

I raised my eyebrows, "And what about the waitress who was ogling you earlier?"

He rubbed his neck and laughed, "Which one? The long legs one." He teased and I slightly smacked his arm.

He chuckled once again, "Darling, what can I do? When I'm so handsome, women can't ignore me."

"Aren't you being cocky?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Aren't you being jealous?"

I scoffed, "No way. Do what you want. Go talk to her. Go on a date as if I care." I instantly stood up, exasperated.

He smiled gleefully.

"Fine. Thank you so much. You're the best." He grinned and was about to touch me when I pulled back and turned on my heels to leave.


What does he thinks of himself? I don't want to talk to him now.

I was fuming in anger.
Yes, I was jealous and I'll always be but I'm not going to admit it to him.

"Ardu, are you alright dear?" Maa was standing in the corridor when I was going to my room.

Her expression was tender.

"Yes Maa, I just wanted to rest. Where is Dad?"

She huffed, "He is playing cards with Naresh bhai and Niketan bhai in the game room."

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