What Marshall Wants!

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“How did you get my number Marshall?” Jaime enquires cautiously after she finally answered the phone to me, I do feel a little bit like a creeper but I just wanted to thank her personally for what she was willing to do for my daughter. Paul had explained she’d essentially doubled her work load now, setting up lesson plans for the kids in class and then planning Whit’s online learning, I could never properlu express how grateful I was to her for not being like the other teachers at that fucking school and giving up on my youngest girl.

Kim was raging when I sat Whit down and asked her what she thought and I explained Miss Prince’s conditions to her, but thank all the gods because her face lit up, she agreed instantly and I knew deep down she would give this her best shot, her mother was just angry because Whit wouldn’t have time to clean house and help look after her grandparents anymore.

Not only was Jaime a decent and kind woman she was also very pretty. Her blonde hair was bleached out permanently by spending a serious amount of time in the sun, Her accent letting me know she was from California, she had a toned but curvaceous body and her skin was golden brown which made her light blue eyes stand out even more, she smelled like sunny days, the ocean and the beach all rolled into one. She smelt of freedom and happiness.

I had expected a hard time from her at our first meeting but she’d been patient with me sensing that I was on edge for some reason and she’d brought to me a potential solution instead of droning on and on about the problem like those other fuckers did that worked there.
“I had my PA make some enquiries and she found it” I’m honest and sound matter of fact with her, no reason to lie and say I hadn’t turned over every stone trying to find a way to contact her outside of school.
Jaime huffs down her end of the phone “you do realise how that sounds Marshall?” she’s uptight with me now. “Yes I do and you don’t have to worry, I’m not a crazy stalker but I am a happy father who would like to thank you properly” she’s silent for a moment before she speaks again “You already did, the roses were beautiful thank you”

I chuckle lightly at her words before pushing them aside and continuing “As its Friday and I’m assuming you have weekend’s off, let me take you to dinner tonight please?” I’m almost kind of willing to plead with her into coming out with me but before I have a chance too she’s suddenly bold “OK pick me up at 7pm, I’ll text you my address” and she hangs up leaving me staring at the screen of my phone, I’m speechless I thought I’d have to put up a bit of a fight for dinner but she just gave in and rolled over without any kind of manipulation.
Her address flashes up on my screen moments later and I punch it quickly into the sat nav of my car ready for later and rush home to get ready for dinner.


Later that evening after dinner we both decided it was too early to go home and despite the freezing cold weather of November Jaime chose to go to Lake St Clair. We found a semi decent spot to sit and chat for what seemed like hours about all kinds of nothing really but I found myself hanging on her every word  and enjoying her company, she was really easy to have a conversation with and she’s kind, really witty, she holds her own against me perfectly. If I were any other man I’d be looking to stake a claim on her, she’d be absolutely perfect.

An hour or so later I suddenly look up and notice how dark it really is and I’m beginning to freeze my ass off on the cold ground we’re sitting on beside the lake. I begin to notice Jaime moving subtly closer to me in an effort I presume to try and steal some body heat, her hand absentmindedly draws patterns on the top of my thigh as she listens to the water lapping at the shore of the lake around us with her eyes closed, fuck she’s amazing is all I can think staring at her beautiful profile.

My thoughts scatter to the wind with her hand on me, this woman deserved to be in a loving relationship with somebody who worshipped her that certainly wasn’t ever going to be me but I was feeling selfish and I wanted her, I was dead inside emotionally except when it came to my children of course, she’d get nothing from me other than a good fuck and that would be taking a leap of faith because sex was not my forte apparently, But even though I knew already that she deserved better, I was going to go for it nonetheless.
My fingers reached over cupping her chin smiling as she opened her eyes and smiled up at me “Hey, are you cold?” I ask her softly and she nods snuggling closer to my body, the fucking things that does to me sets me off into a chain reaction even I didn’t see coming as I move swiftly and press my lips against hers, she gasps in shock before she relaxes and opens her mouth slightly granting my tongue access to her warm mouth, I plunder and take from her while she whimpers in my arms until I can stand it no longer and push her backwards onto the cold grass, covering her petite body with my raging, hot and hard one.

Jaime’s cold hands push up under my jacket and sweater touching my bare stomach making me flinch and causing my knees to force hers apart, the lower half of my body falls between her open legs and I start grinding my cock against her, she moans, clutching my sides as she let’s me carry on touching and kissing her. I had meant to be gentle but fuck it, I’m not playing about anymore I need to bury myself deep inside this girl and fuck this delicious body until I’m done. I don’t care if she enjoys it or not, my selfish needs are greater here.

I manage to yank my mouth away from hers briefly as she leans up sucking harshly on my Adam’s apple, my eyes rolling back in my head as I search firstly for my wallet and then frantically for the condom I know to be in it. Cursing loudly as I finally find it and sit up, dragging my cock out of my jeans and rolling it quickly down my shaft, fucking cock is about to explode, I push my jeans down my thighs before ripping open the fly of Jaime’s trousers and pushing them haphazardly down her legs, she moans loudly as I line myself up with her entrance, her eyes and I’m pretty sure my own widen with pleasure as I push inside of her slowly, inch by torturous inch until I bottom out deep inside of her and she cries out, gripping hold of my shoulders and trying to push me away from her body but my only reason for pulling back from her is so that I can slam back into her. The feeling is out of this world or it would be if I could lose the fucking rubber barrier between us.

I fucking hate this condom it’s stopping me from feeling her properly, desensitizing me to the grip and pull of her tight pussy, she’s soaking wet and I’m missing out, I claim her mouth once more, pounding in and out of her at a rate I can no longer control, my cock is running the show now but Jaime doesn’t seem to mind as she tightens around me making it hard for me to pull my cock out as she shouts out the arrival of her orgasm, its feel too fucking good and as soon as her spasms stop I’m back to rutting inside her as deeply and as quickly as I can, both of our breathing laboured as my hands reach over her head and grab handfuls of the freezing cold grass we were sitting on using it for leverage as my hips take on a life of their own, my thrusts become sloppier, timing all out of synch now as my orgasm races towards me.
My toes curl, my hands grip at the grass harder and I’m pretty sure I’m trying to stick my tongue in her eye as I’m all over her face now, she tightens up same as before, her body trembling against me making my cock jump and twitch as she comes again seconds before I shout out something unintelligible and thrust deep inside her once more, my body tenses as my load erupts from my cock filling the fucking condom.

We both lay panting for few moments, the air quiet around us once more, my ass is freezing. Jaime wriggles under my weight as she blinks slowly up at me, I grin before leaning my mouth against her neck and chuckling against it, kissing it quickly before sitting up and pulling my sodden cock from her body, I watch her carefully as she pulls her panties and trousers up, she can’t zip them up, I broke it in my hurry to have her. She looks shell shocked, like she can’t process what just happened between us “Take me home please” she whispers, standing and heading towards my car without even looking at me once.
I took what I needed without thinking about her and I don’t feel bad about it one little bit.

Smirking I throw the used condom in the nearest trashcan before jumping back in my car beside her, we travel the journey to Jaime’s apartment in warm comfortable silence, I feel much calmer and peaceful now, glancing over at her I notice marks on her chest and neck, they look quite savage and I know if she knew they were there she’d destroy me but I keep quiet. Thoughts of doing this again filling my head, confusing me, we were maybe supposed to do it once and then I’d forget about fucking her and then maybe we could be friends, but at the same time I never had any thoughts about her like that until we left the restaurant.
Jaime’s silence niggles at me, I don't know what she's thinking, I pray she doesn’t regret it because that was some stellar fucking out there. I was fucking awesome.

As I pull up outside her place she looks over at me, if she’s trying to work out my next move. She should let me know once she has the answer because I don’t have fucking clue.
I reach over and pull a strand of grass from her hair, she flinches at my movement which upsets me so I try to kiss her but she dodges my lips, thanking me for dinner before leaping out of my car and hurrying towards her house.

Finally in that brief moment I realise I might have fucked up with her.

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