Jaime Takes Mental Notes

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“What are you doing?”

His voice comes softly from behind me. I’m basking in my post coital glow, my back to his front, my ass parked between his legs as I lay back comfortably on him “Sssshhh I’m memorizing your arm” he laughs and jiggles me slightly as I stroke the large veins that stand out, even more pronounced after his exertions fucking me.

“I’ve decided that as you’re leaving me for three weeks, to memorize my favourite parts of you" I carry on tracing the vein with my fingernail and he trembles behind me.

“You’re so fucking weird Jaime, are you seriously telling me my arm is one of your favourite parts of me?" he can’t hide the edge in his voice now as I lift his arm gently and move it across my face, sucking my way softly along his tendons until I reach his wrist, licking and sucking hard at his pulse point.
” Yup” I mutter after reluctantly removing from my lips from his skin.
His cock unfurls against my back and I smirk, he’s too fucking easy.

“Jesus fuck" he moans.

“I wonder if I can make you cum by doing this" whispering to him before my lips reattach to the veins in his wrist sucking on them gently.

“I bet you can’t" he shudders out, beginning to pant against my ear, he should really know better than to challenge me at this point. Ten minutes later I feel the warmth of his cum spreading up my back, mashed between us “pass my phone Angel I need to call Paul, no fucking way I’m leaving now" his words cause me to giggle not thinking he means to do it but he actually picks up his phone anyway.

“I think you’ll find that’s Jaime 1-Marshall 0” he bites my neck just as Paul must answer his phone.
“Yo Paul! I just had the best fucking orgasm ever without even touching my cock, if you don’t want me complaining for three fucking weeks about missing Jaime, you should get the trip cut short" and then he hangs up “that’ll give him an incentive, three weeks of my whining” and we both laugh until I realise he said my name to Paul “Paul knows about us?” I ask delicately not wanting him to read anything into my question “Paul knows there’s a Jaime in my life and the nosey fucker knows I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Above and beyond that, he knows nothing"
I relax, actually I’m delighted someone knows about us.

Marshall’s phone vibrates beside me and I pick it up offering it over my shoulder to him. He reads the message carefully before laughing “Paul managed to shave two days off the trip, better than nothing for now I guess"  I carry on tracing the skin on his arms with my fingers and memorising how he tastes and smells.

Three weeks, I’m going to miss him so much. I know it’s his job, his lifestyle even and the fact that he’s had the last part of the year off not doing anything other than writing I’ve taken it for granted that this is how it will always be, but this time away is a reminder that I find myself naked in the arms of a superstar, a legend known the world over and when he started back working publicly again I would have to share him with millions of other people. We were safe in our little bubble of either being here or at the mansion, it would get a little more difficult once he was out there again.

What if he met another woman who was more beautiful than me? who did sex better than me? Urgh I didn’t suffer with insecurities an awful lot but they began multiplying and reproducing  as I started thinking about all the things that could permanently separate us.

“Hey, Quit it! I can practically hear you overthinking over here, what’s wrong?” damn he’s good, his arms wrap around me and he holds me tight, I can’t answer for fear of sounding silly.

“Jaime I’m not looking for anyone else, I have everything I need right here” his finger tips stroke over my nipples causing them to pucker under his touch “Nothing has to change Angel, its just us. I’ll be thinking about you all of the time, I promise” he kisses the top of my head and I relax on him again “Thank you Marshall” I whisper picking up his hand and sucking his thumb into my mouth “Don’t tell me, my fucking thumbs are another favourite?” he chuckles when I nod my head vigorously, licking from the center of his palm to the tip of his thumb “What can I say, its a sexy thumb!”

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