Marshall Tries To Find A Way.

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Time goes so fast when you’re enjoying yourself, I spent the whole day getting to know my son.
When Jaime left to go to work for the afternoon he never batted an eyelid at bring left in my care, he stuck to my side like glue,  chatted away to himself and to me. It felt good to have a young kid around me again and knowing he was mine made it feel all that more special.
I needed to have them both with me but I knew it was a long way off yet. I would do what Jaime wanted me to do for now, I’d come here to see them.
I wouldn’t kick up a fuss about it even though I hated the hot ass weather here but like his mom, Archer had the ocean in his blood now and he’d need it like Jaime had when she’d lived in Michigan. He would seek it as she had, this was something I’d have to get used to now.

I’d buy us a beach house nearer to home I decided on a whim.

Archer was in bed and it was getting late, with my jet scheduled to leave at 4am I needed to think about leaving real soon but I really didn’t want to.

Jaime flops tiredly down next to me on the couch “In a perfect world, where I hadn’t screwed things up so bad, we’d be going to bed together and making love now” I put it out there quietly into the room. Jaime sighs before looking at me “I don’t regret what happened last night and I’d love nothing more than for you to stay the night but I don’t think we should, not yet until we’re sure about each other, it’ll just confuse things” she tails off and although I understand where she’s coming from I need her badly.

She takes a hold of my arm and laughs as her finger tip traces along the protruding vein on the underside “I’m glad I memorised you that day and I’m glad my favourite parts haven’t changed. I have to add another to it now though because this might well be my new favourite” her fingers scratch lightly through my patchy beard, it’s getting better but my brother and friends still keep ripping me a new one about my baby butt beard but I’m glad Jaime likes it and I will most certainly be keeping it now.

“I should go my flight leaves in five hours” I say sadly, she nods and I get up before grabbing the hands she holds out to me and tugging her body up into my arms, she grins up at me “someday I want you to knock on my door in the middle of the night, I’ll let you in and you’ll be fucking me against the wall before I’ve even had time to blink” she tells me reminding me of how fun we were back when we just used to fuck, before it became more to both of us. “I loved it when you couldn’t wait to be inside me” she whispers against my neck, her hot breath making me tremble.

Leaning down I capture her lips with my desperate ones, she never said no kissing now.

Pulling away before we both pass out from a lack of oxygen I take a long hard look at her “I’ll call you and I’ll be back as soon as I can I promise” she nods before practically shoving me out of the door.


My phone rings as soon as the little jet touches down on the runway in Detroit “I told you to take security with you, I’m not paying these guys to lounge round no fucking pool while you’re out doing god knows what!” Paul whines in my ear as soon as I answer him.
“I’m glad you called Paul, I need to see you urgently” I ignore his whining, I’m a grown ass man, I don’t need babysitting and he sighs “You found her?”
“Yes, I found her and spoke to her. I need your help with a delicate situation” Paul sounds intrigued and we make arrangements for him to be here in Michigan before the week is out.

Later that week

Paul makes himself at home on my couch, this wasn’t a discussion to be had at the studio or anywhere else that someone might hear, he shrugs his shoulders, looking at me sat across from him

“So come on, what’s the deal here. Did the pretty teacher tell you to go fuck yourself?” I’m not even sure how to start this little chat, I spoke to Jaime earlier and she pleaded with me not to tell Paul that I’d insisted on her having a termination, she was so fucking selfless after everything I’d done she was willing to take the blame for it all, she’d told me to tell him that she’d left without telling me, that I never even knew there was a baby.

Jaime wanted me to look good in my friends and families eyes but I wasn’t comfortable with that, I wanted to be open and honest with the people I trusted and loved, no matter how badly they thought of me after.
They would know though that everything I also felt now was my absolute truth. Paul could tell what he liked to the world but it was important to me that my girls, and my close circle of friends knew and could trust my feelings and so with a heavy breath I begin.

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