Jaime's Rainy Day

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It was my first weekend off after being back at work for the week and dear god did I need it, that first week back after doing virtually nothing was always the most tiring but as I got back in my routine it wouldn't be as bad.

I hadn't heard from or seen Marshall since he left Santa Monica, I wondered if it had been too much for him, maybe he was starting to like me more, feeling closer to me and he didn't like that, men always thought that putting distance between people was the answer, couldn't do such a simple thing as tell me he was bothered by us spending too much time together. It had all been him though and that probably scared him more than anything.

Whitney hadn't been to school this week either and I was informed that the meeting between her parents and I was cancelled when I'd arrived to work Monday morning.
The other teachers were whispering in hushed tones about something all day and for a moment I panicked that Marshall and I's affair had been discovered, I kept a low profile all day as if that could save me but eventually one of the girls that Whitney had begun talking to recently asked me how Kim was doing.
Shamefully I breathed a huge sigh of relief that it wasn't about me and then I worried if Marshall and Whitney were OK.

Whatever happened to Kim was being kept a closely guarded secret, nothing in the press about it, just rumours of a car accident and that she'd been drunk at the time and that was all I'd heard.


I decided I was going to have a lazy day and it was now 11am and I was still in bed listening to the rain beating heavily against my window, whilst I loved the heat and sunshine, rainy days were the best. I pulled my blankets up over my head and dozed off for awhile, it was only when my phone began vibrating across my nightstand that I poked my head up again.

Marshall was calling me "Morning Mathers" I greeted him cheerily.

"It's afternoon now lazy bitch" he replied sarcastically setting the tone of our conversation and I check the time on my phone.

"So it is, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering what you were doing today in the rain, if I could maybe come over?"

I'm quiet because he's never asked before which means he probably needs to get away from whatever situation he currently finds himself in
"My plans for the day are not getting dressed, lazing in bed, watching shit and eating shit food, if you wanna come join the fun you'll be welcome"

"Perfect, I'm on my way"

"I know you miss me Mathers" I add before he can hang up, smiling as I say it because I know he'll react and he does snorting down the phone at me

"Actually I miss John and Yoko. You think you could throw in a blow job!"

Laughing at him I hang up on him.

Jumping out of bed, changing my sheets, showering and put on fresh pyjamas before he comes. I don't know why I'm bothering just for him but I'm beginning to feel like I should make an effort for him.

Just as I climb back into bed, my front door is being hammered down, why he can't ever knock quietly or just ring the fucking doorbell is beyond me, scrambling back out of bed I let him in and he barges past me straight to my bedroom and I follow smiling all the way. I like having him here, more than I should probably.

When I arrive behind him and close my door he's already stripping his clothes off, I watch greedily as the muscles bunching and twisting along his back and shoulders as he bends to push his sweat pants down his thighs.

His ass sticks out gloriously I get the urge to spank him, his thighs are toned and muscular, I know he does a lot of running and it looks really good on him. Even his calf muscles are pronounced, he's just a work of art really.
He's put on a tiny bit of weight since I first met him and it's made him look like a god!

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