Jaime Sleeps In

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I see very little point of sneaking into my own home, I’m a grown ass woman for Christ sake, but still taking a deep breath and holding it before pushing my key in the lock.

The door swings open before I even attempt to turn the key, Sarah stands before me, I smile sweetly attempting to placate her and hope I don’t smell too much like I wasn’t having awesome sex just under an hour ago “Hey, I’m so sorry I’m so late, is Archer okay?”

Jack comes down the stairs as Sarah gives me the once over before telling me my son is fine and sleeping.

She reaches over to me, flinching for some strange reason as she pushes my hair back from my shoulders. Shit he’s marked me!  “I thought you were going to discuss your son” she’s making me feel like what Marshall and I just did was wrong and dirty.
I keep quiet because I’m tired and she’s beginning to get on my last nerve.

“Thank you guys for watching Archie for me, we got a couple of things sorted out I think” I tail off as Sarah stomps over towards her husband

“Did you discuss that before or after you let him fuck you again?” she turns on me “You really are a slut, a dumb fucking slut, dropping your panties the second he shows up” she sneers at me. 
Words fail me and that’s probably the best thing that could happen to me right now.

“That’s enough Sarah!” Jack warns her and she scowls at him before turning back to me “Don’t come crying to me when he takes your brat away from you, I’m done with you” I feel like she’s punched me in the guts as Jack grabs a hold of her and drags her by her elbow quickly from my house, slamming the door behind him.
I give it a couple of seconds, waiting for Archie to cry after being woken by the door being slammed off its hinges before I drag my sorry, slutty ass up to comfort him.

There’s going to be an almighty showdown between me and Sarah, I don’t want it but I’m thinking it’s becoming unavoidable and it sucks because I know she’s just trying to protect Archie and I but throwing slutty in my face when she knows this whole thing caused me to have a pretty low opinion of myself anyway isn’t making this any better.

“Hey baby, its just you and me now.” Maybe that’s how it should stay.
I coo over him in his cot bed, he stirs and holds his little arms out and I can’t resist picking him up and holding his warm little body close to mine. “That man that came over today is your Daddy, he’s going to love you like no one else on this earth, I think maybe he does already.”
Archer won’t understand what I’m telling him right now but he’ll figure it out one day and I need to right that wrong now before he gets any older.

I sit holding him thinking about some of what Marshall had told me, my biggest fear now would be Kim finding out about Archer and telling it to the world.
I would have to speak to Marshall about it in the morning, he’d want Archer to meet his big sisters but could they be trusted to not say anything about him, was it even fair to lay that at their doors.
I was too tired to even think about it.

The way that he handles this would go along way to making things right between us, if Kim does something and my boy is hounded by the press I’ll fucking strangle the bitch myself.
He’s got to get this out there the right way.

I know what I want, I knew what I wanted two years ago and nothings changed.

I’m so willing to forgive and forget that it’s scaring me and making me feel on edge, I can’t be made a fool of again, I won’t survive him leaving me a second time. I’m not going to make it easy for him though, I need to know he wants this as much as I do and the road ahead needs to be clear of the ex wife.

Putting Archie back in his cot I undress and grab my phone before heading to bed, I don’t even shower, Marshall’s scent on me is oddly comforting right now, my body aches but at the same time feels great from the sex.

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