John And Yoko.

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I lay awake half of last night, I had just about got myself convinced that after he’d text me Friday night that I could expect Marshall hammering down my door at some ungodly hour on my return Sunday but he surprised me instead by not appearing.

Sleep didn’t come until the very early hours of Monday morning, my body hummed with anticipation all night, It was so infuriating to not know his next move.

I left for school the next morning feeling like I’d drank many, many bottles of alcohol the night before and gone ten rounds with Tyson my eyes were that puffy and swollen. God damn him, I played absentmindedly with blocking his number so he couldn’t mess with my head while I was away again and as next week was school holidays I’d be back home for most of it but I figured if he wanted to and like he had before, he would just show up at my apartment again.

Couldn’t wait to get back to the sunshine in California and wake up at silly o clock to hit the waves every morning. I could practically smell the sun lotion and surfboard wax already.

Walking into class I was pleasantly surprised to see Whitney already in her seat and she was chatting happily to the two pupils sat behind her “Morning guys" I greet them and they sing song good morning back to me.

So far so good with her, her work was completed on time and not only that it was completed to an unexpectedly high standard, she had been in class at least once a week although last week she’d left it till the very last day and she seemed to be making attempts at socialising more, getting involved in class discussions and I felt really proud of her progress, it had only been a few weeks sure but I hoped her parents felt the same way, in two weeks time I was due to see Kim and Marshall to give them an update, if I’d known that he and I would be starting something between us I would never have made these updates so fucking regular, it had the potential to be awkward as fuck!

“Miss Prince?” A small shy feminine voice distracts me minutes after the lesson concludes and I'm packing up behind my desk, I look up to see a smiling Whitney standing before me

“Hey Whitney”

She returns my smile before speaking.

“I just wanted to say thank you for the extra work you’re doing for me, I really appreciate it” I nod at her “and I appreciate you completing it on time, so thank you too.”

We both laugh as she picks up her books and bag leaving me watching her retreating back.
Her father crossing my mind briefly, if he turns up this weekend he’ll be disappointed too. The flight prices home were rising rapidly and soon I wouldn’t be able to keep flying back and forth, people were going to have to start coming to me I thought, suddenly worried that I’d never see those friends again.


It was early Tuesday evening when he finally arrived, knocking at my door like he was on the run from the cops, I opened it and a dark haired man rushed in pushing me to the side, for a second I considered I might be in danger but I recognised the loud huff of impatience that he gave once he settled in my lounge and I was still out by my door considering whether I needed the cops or not.

“Jaime get in here” he yells at me and I’ve half a mind to get in my car and fuck off for an hour until he gets fed up with yelling for me and leaves.

As I walk in the lounge, he’s facing away from me and I stand quietly behind him reaching up and pulling his now dark brown hair gently, he hisses and spins round to face me “Better?” he asks pointing to his hair. He doesn't sound too confident that I'll like it but I really do.

“So much better” I smile at him and he does look good, so good. Desire warms my freezing cold limbs as it courses through my bloodstream, heating my whole body.
He looks very pleased with my answer and glances in the mirror behind me checking himself out.

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