Jaime Meets Kim

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I don’t think my feet have touched the floor this past couple of days, I pinch myself every time I wake up, like I have done for the past couple of mornings and it stings so I know I’m still not dreaming all of this.

Marshall sleeps peacefully beside me blowing out shallow, even puffs of hot air against my neck, his leg draped over mine and his hand warms my belly.
I love waking up before him and snuggling closer to him, his body automatically shifts so I can fit my body along the length of his before he pulls me closer to him, he’s extra cuddly when he’s sleepy.

I’m so glad I was patient and waited for him to catch the same feelings as me, he was always going to be worth waiting for and seeing him open up and trying to keep a grip on the feelings that made him feel vulnerable made him even more endearing to me. His courage to move on was to be admired after all the years he berated himself and thought himself unworthy of the things that he wanted.
The fact that I didn’t pressure him and nag at him means this is his truth, he found it all on his own without help or hindrance from me.  I felt really proud of him.

My alarm goes off indicating that I need to get up and get ready for work, luckily for Marshall he’s his own boss, he tells me he gets to the studio whenever he likes because he’s the boss but I know he’s in for nine am on the dot everyday, you could set your watch by the man.
I’m not looking forward to school today, today I get to meet Kim at long last and with Marshall too, to give them their update on how Whitney is getting along. I don’t want to dislike her, she is the girls mother after all and even Marshall told me he gave as good as he got when they fought during their marriages.
I wanted to get along with her for theirs and Marshall’s sakes but that kind of thing was a way off yet, thinking way ahead of myself.

I grumble quietly not wanting to disturb him as I untangle our arms and legs and leave him to get up and begin my morning routine.

“Morning, John, where’s Yoko?” I greet my two unusual pets, John taps the glass side of the tank alerting his mate to breakfast and she appears just in time as I drop some fish flakes and a couple of bits of coconut in the tank and then cover it up properly.
They haven’t escaped in awhile not since Marshall bought round a heavier net to go over the tank.

Turning on the shower I step in and let the hot water wash over me and I clear my mind and think about nothing until a familiar hand snakes around my belly and pulls my back to his front “What’s going on here?” he asks loudly hoping I’ll hear him over the running water, I smile before I reply “Looks like I’m taking a shower to me” My tone is sarcastic and I receive a slap to my wet ass as a reward for my sass.
“I know your fucking taking a shower but you left me hanging Jaime” He growls loudly in my ear, my body shudders with the anticipation his tone promises.

“You were sleeping and your little cock was curled up like a mouse in its nest, I did not leave you hanging” I protest and he bites the back of my neck “You fucking with me Angel,” I try to turn and face him but instead I’m pushed face first into the tiled wall he holds me in place before stepping in between my legs, his hard cock pressed up against me.
Riling him up has to be one of my favourite things to do, the sexy, domineering side of him takes over and I can lie back and enjoy the ride, as a bonus it always ends happily for me.

Marshall kneels on the wet tiles behind me, I turn my head and smirk at him, he slaps my ass once more before splaying both hands over my ass cheeks and pushing them apart, his tongue flicking across my clit makes me jump and my hands scrabble against the wet wall trying to grab a hold of something to keep me upright, I really don’t have time for this but I’m not missing out, I’ll drive faster my brain reasons with the intense throbbing feeling building between my legs.
I feel a nip on my behind as he stands up slowly behind me, nipping his way up along my spine before his lips find the back of my neck, making me tremble with lust and longing. I mean we’ve pretty much spent our time together since Monday night in bed, making love, fucking and yet I’ve still not had enough.

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