Marshall Meet Zoe

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My eyes followed Jaime’s perfect ass as she strutted slowly out of the kitchen. When she was out of sight I looked around the room undecided on if I was going to cook breakfast for us or follow her and fuck her, my belly rumbled in response to my internal question and made the decision for me.
I searched through cupboards finding everything I needed and set about making bacon and eggs.

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at her stalker assessment of me and I supposed it might look like that from her point of view and probably anyone else’s actually but I just viewed it as that if I wanted her, I’d have her. Any time and any place.

I was a little shit though I’d give her that.

It was a form of foreplay for me I guess and I enjoyed poking her and provoking her until she eventually bit back, I was pushing my luck more and more and for once just enjoying being around a woman.
A woman who, any mentions of chemistry aside did not ask me for anything, didn’t expect anything from me and she put up with my crazy shit and although I thought I was about to take a surfboard to my head back there, it had been very peaceful and calming trying to watch her surf in the darkness.

Jaime Prince was a sexy surfer chick and there was nothing sexier than watching someone in their element, she was at home on the water and it looked like it was where she was meant to be.

Turning around I see Jaime leant against the door frame, mouth gaping, watching me cook “Are you cooking?” she asks in amazement, fucking Sherlock Holmes she is.

“I believe your exact words were ‘cook your own breakfast, Dick!” her cheeks flush pink and she giggles loudly.

“I didn’t expect you to do it though, but it sure smells good” Jaime rubs her belly as she strolls towards me, peeking over my shoulder at my cooking skills, her hand resting on my back, sending shivers down my spine.
I turn my head quickly and steal a quick kiss before she can move away from me “Thief” she says laughing at me.

“Sit it’s ready” I command her and she does as she’s told quickly holding her knife and fork in her fists upright on the table “Come on I’m starving” she shouts at me and I smirk as I place our food on the table, she tucks in straight away.
Another attractive trait is she isn’t remotely bothered by me watching her shovel food in her mouth, sides she looks at my cock the way she’s staring at her bacon right now and it makes my cock twinge.

“Do I need to know how you found me?” she asks, watching me closely “Nope, just know that I’m fucking awesome at everything” she laughs shaking her head at my antics.
I’ve broken so many laws trying to find her and if Paul ever found out I’d used my security detail to find her, I’d never hear the fucking end of it. I’d had to make promises to my team that my ass was going to have trouble cashing in.
Best behaviour from now on they said and I’d had to assure them that I wasn’t about to make the nice teachers life a living hell.

I’d also been sneaky and asked them to run a background check on her, nothing showed up and that pleased me immensely.

“So what, is your jet on standby? fuck and fly Marshall! Are you planning on being home by midday?” she looks me square in the eye whilst still shovelling food in her mouth and I give her the side eye before answering honestly “Yeah, I’ll be home by one.”

She snorts before becoming quiet as she finishes her breakfast she looks like she’s contemplating another round of questions for me and I eat and wait, for once in my life not itching to get away from something that may make me feel uncomfortable.

“So let me get this straight, do I have to keep you up to date on my movements from now on?” Jaime looks over to me and my eyes snap up to meet hers, trying to work out how serious she’s actually being, she’s trying to hide a smirk and so I react accordingly.
“Nah, if I want you, I’ll find you!”  I say cockily.

“What about me? do I get to hear of your movements?” I laugh loudly.

“Nope you’ll have to find me!”  I’m being a bastard right now and I’m enjoying it.

“I have this thing called a phone Jaime. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. Call me, if I’m interested I’ll appear.” I shrug my shoulders in a I can take it or leave it kind of gesture.

Jaime gets up from the table quietly, gathering up both of our plates and begins tidying up my mess.
“Where’s the bathroom Jay?” I’m not even bothered about how I’m coming across she’s yet to tell me to get out and I’m happy to keep pressing her buttons. I wonder if the sex will be even better if she’s fucking furious with me, my cock twitches again as she points down the hall from the kitchen, unhelpfully I might add and I go to find it myself.
Her friends house is beautiful.

As I’m taking a piss I’m attacked by what I can only assume is a small black pony, I pee on my sneakers a little as I turn around in fright and then I’m on the floor being eaten by it.

“Jaime!” I yell a couple of times, I sound like a little girl.

Eventually she comes running, her footsteps getting louder as she approaches but she doesn’t help when she finally stands in front of me, she just stands with her hands on her hips.

“I see you’ve met Zoe then, why are you rolling around on the floor Marshall?” is she fucking crazy, I’m under attack here.

“Jay, get this horse off of me, it’s trying to eat me!” I sound panicked to my own ears but Jaime just laughs “She’s not a horse you idiot, she’s a dog and she just wants to love on you, don’t you Zoe” Jaime reaches over and pulls the dog away by her collar.

Scrambling to my feet quickly I put some space between myself and the giant beast “Do none of you people have normal fucking pets? Who needs a dog the size of a fucking pony?”
My temper gets the better of me and before I say something stupid I push past Jaime and the stupid dog back out to the kitchen, my good mood soured somewhat and I take a glance at my watch, fucking time is flying quickly.
I think back to my therapy sessions on how to deal with myself when I would get over the top about something unimportant and take several deep breaths.

Jaime is standing behind me, I know she is, my skin tingles when she’s near and damn if that ain’t a nice feeling I could quickly become addicted to.
I wish I could remember feeling that any time before but I don’t, I don’t remember how anything felt when I was high, the Ambien especially dulled my senses.
She steps nearer, her body giving off waves off heat as I begin to cool down, fingers lightly scratch the hair at the back of my neck giving me goosebumps all over my body, my cock stiffens in my pants and suddenly I remember why I’m here. “She just wanted to lick you, say hello that’s all. Zoe wouldn’t hurt a fly.” She whispers softly behind me, her fingers and voice calming me instantly.

Turning around quickly I pick Jaime up and push her back on the counter top, undoing the zip on her shorts before pulling them quickly off of her legs. Running my hands up her smooth legs I stop when I reach her sexy panties before hooking my fingers in both sides of them and yanking hard, only one side breaks but that’s enough for me, I look up at Jaime and her eyes sparkle “You not going to tell me off?” her panties swinging around my finger tip close to her face but she just looks bemused before replying “Nope, you bought those!” and she giggles at the thought of getting one up on me but I’m fucking thrilled that’s she’s used that card I gave her and I’m hoping she buys something sexy with it.

“There’s only one thing I’m interested in licking me and it ain’t that fucking dog”  my voice now raspy with desire, I stand on tip toes and kiss her, I’ve been wanting to do it since I first laid eyes on her earlier.

A moan leaves the back of her throat and I pull away slightly, bowled over once again by a fucking kiss, I reach up and stroke her hair before tucking it behind her ear “I think I might stay longer, is that OK?” I whisper in her ear before sucking on the pulse point below it.

Jaime trembles and her hands grip the front of my t-shirt “Yes” she says simply and I pull away from her totally, she watches me with a cranky look on her face as I find my phone and call my head of security “ Scott, I’m staying longer,  have the jet ready for 9am tomorrow” Jaime’s eyes grow wide as she listens and my eyes narrow as Scott asks me question after question about me changing my mind.

Why can no one just do as I fucking ask them “Scott, sort it. Thank you” I hang up because Jaime’s half naked body is waiting on me while I’m arguing about trivial shit on the phone.

I stalk back towards her, eyes hooded with want and need “Now where were we?”

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