Kim And Marshall

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As we leave Jaime’s classroom I feel nothing but pride for my little girl, she’s attending school regularly, she’s making friends and the work she turns in for Jaime is getting great marks. Looking over to Kim, I smile at her expecting to see my own reactions mirrored on her face but instead I find her glaring at me, I feel like we’ve gone back in time for a second that look is so familiar and I wrack my brain trying to figure out how I might have caused her to look at me like that, she’s been like it ever since I picked her up earlier, the look that means Kim is spoiling for an argument.

She’s silent and simmering until we get outside of the school gates, when we reach my car, she unleashes her shit on me “what are you fucking doing?” she grinds out at me, grabbing hold of my elbow and jerking me around to face her, I shake her off and step away from her, I really can’t be bothered with her bullshit, our youngest child has just been given a great report and Kim’s fucking furious, I’m so confused by whatever is going on “what you talking about Kim?” I try to remain calm until she eventually spits out whatever is bothering her.

“Your fucking that teacher!” she accuses me loudly and my heart races as I glance around the carpark to see if anyone heard her, I’m confused as to how she would think that. I feel terrified for Jaime. Did I give the game away? I replay everything over in my mind, I wanted to touch Jaime but I didn’t while Kim was in the room, besides Jay would never go for my shit here, things were to be kept separate at her insistence, apart from a cheeky kiss maybe.

“I’m not Kim, that’s not happening” I try to protest my innocence except I’m not this time and we have definitely gone back in time now, lying to Kim is familiar ground but I feel the need to protect Jaime over telling Kim any kind of the truth, she laughs bitterly in my face “well at least I know Whit isn’t getting good grades because of how you fuck, I can’t imagine your performance has improved at all. She's really pretty, I can't imagine what she sees in you”

She’s still a bitch, I should have known not to fall for the friendly facade and her comment hurts me deep inside, I wanna get in her face and shout and scream that I’m having better sex with Jaime than I ever had with her or anyone else for that matter.
“I saw you, fucking her with your eyes, you think I don’t know the signs Marshall. I put up with them for years didn’t I, you're pathetic” she’s getting louder and I need to get her away from the school before she starts screaming, our long fragile truce seemingly over for the moment.
“You know this school has a no fraternisation policy Marshall, one word in the principles ear and she’ll be gone, you fucked up yet again. Put a stop to it or I’ll tell everyone about the perfect Miss Prince fucking her pupils father”

My heart pounds in my chest at the thought that my carelessness could ruin Jaime’s career and ultimately ruin Whitney’s chances here because without Jaime she would with no doubt go back to the was she had been before, those other fucking teachers couldn’t be bothered with her.

“Kim I’ll end it, I promise. I will!” she’s quietly contemplating my words, for some reason the thought of ending this with Jaime causes a pain to strike at my chest and I don’t understand why I’m telling Kim I’m going to do this, my mind floods with thoughts of how to try and keep Kim happy but not break up with Jaime, I can’t do that it’ll kill me. I need Kim out of my car and far away from me I can’t think with her in such close proximity. When we arrive at her house I don’t drive her to the door, I stop outside the gate and wait for her to get the fuck out before I push her out. She leaves me with a parting shot.
Kim looks up me “You’d better end it, if you don’t I’ll tell everybody that they only need to sleep with that slutty whore to get their kids good grades” with that she climbs out of my car and waits for me for me to drive away.
I have to get away because if I don’t I’m going to go back there and rip her fucking throat out.

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