Marshall Works Up A Sweat

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Opening my eyes slowly I glance around the room, momentarily unaware of where the fuck I am and why the fuck can’t I move properly.
It takes me straight back to my high days.
Looking down I half breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of Jaime’s blonde haired head on my chest.

Fucking bitch voodooed me with that blow job, blew my brains out the top of my head so hard I fell asleep, this situation was not ideal. I’m supposed to fuck and run, not find something so immensely pleasurable that it knocks me out but on the other hand, the plus side if you like I am enjoying Jaime’s naked breasts pressed against my belly.
One warm hand rests just above my left nipple, the other curled around my waist.
A weird, foreign sensation that I just can’t place passes through me as I realise one of my hands is curled tightly around her waist, the other, I grin slyly is grabbing onto her silk covered ass, she shifts against me as if she can hear my silent assessment of the situation I find myself in and my cock stirs against my leg, I’m not leaving her bed without being buried balls deep inside her at least once tonight. It’s not completely dark outside yet, I may get two rounds in if I’m lucky.

Why did I change my mind about coming back here again? I don’t fucking know all I do know is that since I told myself she could go fuck herself, I can’t get her off of my mind.
I was hoping fucking her once more would sort that out for me.

Jaime stirs and wakes up slowly, she seems to tense up as she realises what’s happened, she looks up at me shyly, biting her bottom lip before she runs her tongue over it lightly “Hey” she draws it out slowly before peeling the naked top half of her body away from mine and leans up watching for a sign of I’m not sure what probably anger maybe.
I don’t know her expressions well enough yet to recognise the one she’s wearing right now. I know her orgasm face rather well though, taking some fucking pride in that facial expression because I know she ain’t faking nothing.

“I needed a power nap” I blurt out quickly to answer her unasked question and her eyebrows lift while she tries to smother a smile, questioning my words.

“Is that so Marshall and here was me thinking you can’t handle an awesome fucking blowjob!” she laughs loudly, she’s so fucking sarcastic! the hand holding her ass raises and slaps back down hard on it, the noise echos in the small bedroom and Jaime yelps in surprise before quickly regaining her composure and wiggling her eyebrows at me which infuriates me.

“Listen up bitch” I use my shadiest voice and she hums in my ear before I move quickly, pushing her over onto her back and pinning her under me, she looks surprised by my move and her breathing alters and accelerates “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll be feeling me here for weeks, then we’ll have a chat about who can handle what” I finish my sentence by biting her neck and she squirms beneath me, moaning, waking my cock up fully.

“We good to go?” hoping she’s sorted out some contraception because I’m feeling wild and I ain’t stopping for nothing, thankfully she moans out a yes and with that I place both of her hands in one of mine to continue restraining her and bend my head down attaching my lips to her right nipple, her back arches under me, my teeth scraping the tender flesh before sucking it back in my mouth, my tongue flicking back and forth over it before I move my attention towards the other nipple.

My free hand pushes her legs apart and I settle between them kneeling over her, I can feel a lot of heat coming from the apex of her thighs, I know she’s going to be wet but nonetheless just because I want to touch her, my hand rests over her pussy, sure enough she’s wet, my thumb moves in slow circles of her clit while I nip and lick my way across her chest playfully.

Jaime wriggles beneath me, trying to ease the pressure building in her lovely body, soft sighs falling from her parted lips and then my mouth is back on hers kissing her deeply, swallowing those sexy noises she makes. Jesus Christ she’s hot!

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