The Devil Made Me Do It!

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Fuck! This Shady business was hot and a little scary I had to admit that to myself, I wasn’t scared of Marshall but his Shady persona had definitely made me feel some fear and on edge but I also had to admit to myself that the fear was a part of how hot this was.
I could match Marshall stride for stride but Shady I wasn’t so sure about this, in fact I was pretty sure I’d be leaving this hotel walking like John Wayne had been riding a horse nonstop for an entire year. I was up for the challenge though.
I deliberately took my time in the bathroom, stripping off my clothes down to the expensive and kinda slutty lingerie I’d bought for this evening, turning around in the mirror I noticed the reddened hand prints on my butt where he had squeezed me so tightly, moving closer to the mirror I inspected my neck and throat, no marks there at all but then I knew he wasn’t holding me bad enough to mark me.

It had also given me a bit of time to chill out without Marshall/Shady looking at me with that intense, moody stare he had going on.
Swallowing his cock had been an achievement in my eyes but I wouldn’t share with him the fact that I enjoyed it, enjoyed his rough handling of me. This fantasy of Marshall’s obviously required me to be a willing but submissive participant.

Reapplying my lipstick, I took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping back out into the bedroom Marshall even looks different the way he’s presenting himself to me, he looks hard, cocky and he kind of has this swagger about him that I’ve certainly never seen before. I can only imagine the number of women that had fallen prey to this Shady guy back in the day.
He stalks towards, eyes on mine, the frisson of fear hits me straight between the legs and I’m mentally bracing myself for whatever is about to happen. He’s shed the majority of his clothing too while I’ve been in the bathroom and I feel intimidated for some reason by how utterly masculine he looks in this moment.

“Bend over” he demands and I’m not sure if he means bend over something so I hesitate briefly, looking around me for god knows what.
“Are you a stupid slut? I said bend over” he pulls a chair out on front of me before spinning me harshly around to face away from him, before applying pressure to the back of my neck pushing my head down, almost bending me in half before the chair creaks behind me indicating he was now seated on it. My heart pounds as I brace myself waiting to see what he’s going to come up with next.

I startle when I feel a finger tracing up my panty covered pussy, I’m wet there’s absolutely no denying it and Shady has an opinion on that “Hmm Marshall won’t like this! You know what a possessive asshole he is. If he finds out you’re wet for me he’ll kill you, might even try to kill me too” he chuckles and its a deep, menacing noise. Even the tone of his voice sounds different.

Shady pulls my panties to the side and dips his finger inside me briefly, not far enough for it to actually feel nice, but then I hear him sucking on his finger and my knees begin to shake, I need him to touch me.

“You want me to eat your pussy, slut?” I moan at his words and receive a slap to my ass for my efforts “I asked you a fucking question, answer me” he sounds pissed off now and I manage to squeak out a yes and receive another slap to my butt “Yes Slim” I answer him properly this time and I’m rewarded with a firm lick between my swollen, wet lips and then he begins to eat me with an urgency I’ve never felt from him before, his arms wrap around my waist and pull me back onto his face, his tongue is wicked, flicking furiously against my clit before fucking me with it, my body is on sensory overload, I can’t even work out how he’s breathing such is his close proximity to me. I can’t help the noise that leaves me I sound animalistic and just when I think I can’t take any more he pulls back from me “you taste sweet Sexy” one hand strokes up and down my spine slowly, warming my skin, its oddly affectionate and I’m thinking this is over but then the hand wrapped around me lowers and he pinches my clit before rolling it between his thumb and fore finger.
I come immediately but he doesn’t halt his movements he carries on and I writhe against his hand in ecstasy only stopping when I feel something unexpected and try to pull away from him, he’s licking there.

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