Jaime listens

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“This is just for us” he whispers holding my waist tightly and pressing his forehead sweetly against mine.
“Just for us Jay” he repeats gently against my lips and that’s all good and well but this is beginning to feel like it means more to me. I was happy with just the sex but as times gone on I do ache for more, and I figure this is maybe the time to get out before he really hurts me.
I mean it’ll smart a bit and my body will crave his for the rest of my life probably but yeah I gotta get out of it and soon but I know I won’t.

“I like that no one else knows about this”  he strokes my belly as he leans over me, talking to me. “I like that no one knows where I am or what I’m doing. I’m my own man but some aspects of my life are so micro managed at times. With you I’m in control” he trails off  leaning down and sucking on my nipple softly before looking at up at me, his baby blues sparkling.

“You don’t criticise or try and critique me.”  I smile

“I could critique this ass If you want me too” I offer, running a hand over his perfect ass and he smiles knowingly.

“No need Jay, I already know it’s a great ass.”  I laugh out loud, his confidence about his own ass sexy as hell and he attacks my nipples with his mouth once more before pulling away again to speak, I’ve never heard this man speak so much in one day before and I like that he feels he can loosen up with me now.

“I feel peaceful and my thoughts are quiet when I’m with you, the shit that happened with Kim and how upset my babies are right now disappears when you’re around, I cant tell you how much I need that at the moment, I used to use the drugs to numb the thoughts but I fucked that shit up for myself.”  There’s that sad, defeated, melancholy voice again and I ask him about her once more not expecting in a million years that he’ll talk about it.

“What happened to her?”  He repeats my question and studies my face for the longest time before he decides he’s going to trust me.

“There’s so many rumours flying around the school, Whit keeps getting messages from her friend telling her and the press are onto her I know. But the truth of it is, is that she tried to kill herself, got drunk, took a load of pills and drove straight at that post.” He sighs and flops down onto his back and I move over him head planted in the middle of his chest.

“I won’t tell anyone, you can trust me. I won’t ask you about her again but I’m here if you wanna talk about it ok.”
I figure it’s the best I can do for him, prove to him that I’m not about to shit all over him.

I’m not about to judge Kim for her actions either I don’t know what she’s been going through and I don’t know her but what I think and I keep to myself is that someone has to be pretty desperate to try and end it when they’ve got four gorgeous children, I just hope she’s getting the right kind of help.

“I’m glad I met you Marshall, I don’t have any friends here really, my work colleagues hate me” his body stiffens under me. “Why would they hate you? you’re one of the best people I’ve ever met Jaime.” I blush furiously, glad the light is still dim in his bedroom.
Time for some truths about the school I think.

“They hate that I’m progressive with my teaching style, that I let the kids call me Jaime, they are all stuck in the 19th century with their outdated teaching styles” I shrug before continuing,
“They don’t like that I’m helping Whitney, they see it as me facilitating her bad behaviours but she’s not badly behaved at all, she’s just really shy but they won’t ever expel her because she or rather you are being used to lure kids with rich parents to the school.” 

I glance up him trying to gage his reaction but I see its not quite the bombshell I was expecting it to be. Marshall looks at me concerned. “ I know Jaime, I’ve known that for years, every time I tried to pull her out they kept making deals with Kim behind my back but thank you for being in our corner. I’m glad I met you too."

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