The Shit Hits The Fan!

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One month later

If I didn’t think I couldn’t feel any worse after letting Marshall in and having sex with him again and then degrading myself by practically begging him to take me back then I was surely mistaken.
Just as I was beginning to sort of feel like my old self, well of course the shit would hit the fan.

As I opened my door to step outside and leave for work I was blinded by a hundred or so flashes exploding in front of me and then everything got out of hand really quickly and seemed to kind of happened so fast. Shielding my eyes and trying to blink the fierce bright lights out of them I could hear strange voices calling out my name, Marshall’s name is called out and questions are being fired at me from all directions and I still can’t see properly, I retreat quickly, slamming the door behind me.
People begin banging loudly on my doors and windows and I’m frightened and trapped, I cant get out.

I don’t know what the hell is going on.

If I don’t go to the school I’ll get into trouble and not only that but I’ll have to explain why I can’t currently get out of my own apartment.

I don’t know what to do, I don't know what's happening and I’ve never felt so alone and defeated my whole life, the pounding on my windows continues and the only thing I can do is try to call Marshall. I don’t think he’ll answer me, we haven’t spoken since the day he returned my bracelet but he’s the only one that could help me right now, Someone has told the press about us. It crosses my mind briefly that he could have leaked this but I really know better, he referred to the paparazzi as no better than shit on the bottom of his shoes once. It wouldn't be him.

I call him and wait, ever hopeful that he’ll answer his phone but he doesn’t my heart sinks and I begin to cry some very unladylike tears as it switches over to his voicemail “Marshall please help me, I’m trapped in my house. There’s men outside shouting and trying to take photos of me. I’m scared!” The pounding continues and I cover my ears trying to block it all out.

Sliding my back down the wall my butt hits the floor with a thud and I curl up on my side willing this nightmare to go away.  My phone rings and my heart leaps at the thought of Marshall returning my call but its not him, its Sarah. I answer “Holy fuck Sarah!”

“Holy fuck indeed JJ have you been on social media this morning?”

“No why?”

“There’s sketchy photos of you and Marshall every fucking where, it’s all over the place. An ‘insider’ is quoted as saying you are some king of gold digging slut and that’s why Marshall dumped you. It says he paid you to fake his daughter's good grades and that you’re basically a stalker who set out to get to him via his kid”

Holy fucking shit balls, no wonder there’s a ton of paps camped out outside my door, my heart sinks if they’re here then they are probably at the school too. Fuck!

I explain to Sarah everything that’s going on outside of my door and she advises me to call the cops.
Was he even worth this? I thought he was at the time but then he was playing me for a fool all along. How easy I must have seemed to him.

Marshall has abandoned me to my fate, leaving me to deal with this bullshit alone. 

About I suspected to be suspended from work and about to be dragged through the shit with the press as some kind of gold digging whore, no doubt. They believe, as will the cronies at the school that I purposely took the job in Detroit to get to Marshall. How did this all go so horribly wrong? Who told the paps about me? I couldn’t believe someone actually disliked me enough to do this to me.

My phone rings and it’s Marshall, I sit up wiping my nose and eyes “Marshall?”  I ask but the voice that replies is not his, its his manager Paul “Miss Prince, I’m sending round two security guys to escort you for the foreseeable future, until this all calms down.  They are called Ed and Grant please follow their instructions and you’ll be safe. Good day Miss Prince” he hangs up on me without allowing me to speak.
Part of me is elated that Marshall must have listened to my voicemail but the other is pissed that he couldn't find the courage to respond himself.

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