Jaime's Soul Mate

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After moving Archie and I round to the side of Marshall’s house so we were out of view of prying eyes while we waited for him to come and get us.
Hundreds of feelings fluttered through my body as I watched our baby boy playing for the first time ever in the snow. He was fascinated by the powdery snow crunching under his little boots, boots we hadn't owned until we got to the airport and I suddenly realised we'd need warmer clothes foe Michigan.
Archie picked it up and screamed with delight when it vanished into thin air, not realising it had melted through his mittens and then he discovered he could eat it. He was the cutest damn thing I'd ever seen and I snapped a few photos for his album which I had taken back from Marshall promising to get him copies of everything in it.

Of all the emotions I was experiencing I knew absolutely that for Archer’s sake my last minute decision to book flights and fly here was absolutely the right thing to do.

After Sarah and Jack had found out that Marshall and his daughters would be arriving later in the week, Archer and I were effectively blocked from their home and their lives I suspected. I could no longer just walk into their home like I had been doing for years, they had locked the doors. I received a text from Jack telling me that we were no longer welcome in their home unless I ended things with Marshall.
Shit! I cried so much that night, I couldn’t believe that the two people I’d known longest in my life would shut me out and shut Archer out, that was the thing that hurt me the most. He was innocent in all of this.

I hoped I’d be able to salvage some kind of relationship with them in time but it was time to put my baby and Marshall first. I agonised over whether I was doing the right thing in wanting to be back in his life but he hadn’t ever asked me to choose between him and my family like they had and on that basis alone I would probably lose them.

As his car pulled up excitement took over the sadness I felt in my heart Archer spotted him first and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him towards his Dad, I watched them hug before I couldn’t stop myself any longer and ran at him throwing myself literally at him and thanking God that he caught me and that I didn’t take him down in the snow.
I couldn’t stop smiling all the way to his brothers house, we kept hands on one another on the drive back too.

It was only when I got out of the car that I began to question if I was spoiling his brothers family day by just turning up. My feet won’t move as regret takes over “I’m sorry I should have called, I don’t want to ruin anyone’s day” I sound regretful and Marshall frowns before tugging me into his arms

“Don’t be silly, I’m beside myself with joy that you’re both here and they will love you both, I promise” his whisper sends a shiver down my spine before he pulls us forward towards the house, he let’s us in and a younger, shorter version of Marshall appears in the foyer, he smiles broadly and I smile shyly with Archer hiding behind my legs, he steps forward and hugs me, taking me by surprise “Hi you must be……. Jaime” He looks like he’s reaching back into his memory to recall my name, of course they’ve seen my picture in the press before.

I nod my head unable to speak for a moment and then he’s joined by a petite brunette who by the way she holds onto him I assume is his wife and she notices my shy son “and who is this handsome little guy?” she says softly bending down to Archie’s height.
Archer curiously peeks around my legs before he finally steps out and they both gasp looking at him “Hey I’m Ash and this is Nate, you wanna come play with my little boys” she holds out her hand and to my surprise he takes it.

“You are both welcome to stay as long as you want Jaime, welcome back to Michigan”
They are so nice and I must be coming off as being rude because I’m absolutely dumbstruck by everything that is happening right now. My heart pounds against my ribcage as I wonder where the fuck Marshall has got too and finally he appears with our bags in his hands, looking back and forth between Nate and I.

“Umm is it okay if Jaime and Archer stay here with me?” he asks his little brother who looks as though he’s still trying to work out who Archer is to Marshall and so I pipe up “It’s okay I booked us a hotel to stay in.”

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