Babies, Naps And Fooling Around

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What the hell can they be talking about I wonder idly, staring out of my bedroom window watching two of the most important men in my life chatting away as if there’s never been any animosity between them and to be fair most of the animosity has come from Sarah, Jack is more of a lover than a hater but obviously he’d want to side with his wife. They’ve been out there an hour or so now and I wish I knew what they were discussing, the pair of them were very animated with hand and arm movements but I couldn’t see their faces so I had no idea if this was a good chat or an angry kind of chat.

The house was far too quiet now without my extended family filling it and I needed Marshall to come back in pretty soon and start making some noise with Archie.
In my head I’d already left this island, unpacked in Michigan and was living my best life but my heart had other ideas it was holding me here, it couldn’t let go of them and the whole thing was infuriating, I’d go over there and have it out with her if I thought it would actually help but she was too god damned stubborn and with Jack in her corner she was virtually impenetrable.

One of us was going to have to make the first move though and it wasn’t going to be pretty however that came about maybe that’s why I’d tried not to say anything so far, I didn’t want to be the one to start the fight, I didn’t want to fight at all but it was looking like I was going to either have to or just leave here and never look back, the thought made my heart hurt badly.

Snapping out of my day dream I notice the beach in front of the house is empty once more and seconds later familiar warm arms wrap around my middle, squeezing me closer to his body, I lean my head back on his comfortable chest and inhale deeply, he always smells so good. We don’t speak for a minute or two, he just kisses my neck lightly before resting his chin on my shoulder.

“Sarah’s pregnant!” Marshall breaks the silence with that shocker and I turned round to face him “but they had an agreement” I whisper, shocked that Sarah went against Jack’s wishes and their joint plans, I needed to speak to her and make sure she’s okay.
“I’m gonna go speak to her baby” pulling myself out of Marshall’s warm embrace, he tugs me back up against his body “Leave her for a bit Angel, they need to get their heads around iI, sides I was enjoying the view” he chuckles and looking up I can see his eyes directed down my top “Perv.”

“Jack is angry with her?” I already know the answer to that, the usually placid Jack liked to plan, he liked order in his life, years of changing Foster families did that to some people and now my friend would be in turmoil trying to get some order in his head, he and Marshall had some very similar traits in that respect and poor Sarah despite her scrappy nature would be tearing herself apart at having caused him that kind of stress. “He just needs to come to terms with the fact it’s happening Jay, once he realises this is a good thing then he’ll come round” Marshall states the facts we all know.

“You love being a dad don’t you!” it’s not so much of a question, a statement really. “yes, I do. I love my noisy, boisterous, loving children. If it weren’t for them I think I’d be long gone Angel and you”
That’s a sad thought and it consumes me for a moment, no Marshall would have meant no Archer, the thought is too much to bear thinking about.

“What about you Angel? Are you done with babies or do you want more?” I can’t think about anything I want with his lips sucking my earlobe lightly, I never even thought about having any more until he just mentioned it but I’m not sure I can tell him I’m done! Would it be a deal breaker for us if he said he wasn’t interested in having more kids, I didn’t think it would be but now the question lingered in the air I was confused about how I should respond.

“Because if you’re not done, we need to get cracking Jaime, I’ll be fifty before we know it and I would rather not have a baby in my fifties” he’s surprised me again, offering me the chance nonchalantly similar to the way he offered me his jet to go back and forth to LA all that time ago.
“I mean there’s nothing wrong with practising” he adds after.

Walking over towards my nightstand I pull out of my drawer and throw my birth control pills down on the bed “What do you think Marshall?” I stand back and he moves forward quickly snatching them up, he pops the rest of the pills out of the packet and walks off into my bathroom and I hear the toilet flushing, smiling I wait for him to come back “That’s what I think Angel” okay then, just like that another baby might be on the cards. I’m on cloud nine right now.

“When are you going home?” I ask quietly, I don’t want him to leave here without us but we both have things to consider before we join our lives together, he bites my neck softly before he replies sending shivers up my spine “Tomorrow evening, we’ll see the new year in together then I gotta get back...... How long Angel? How long are you going to make me wait until you come and live with me? He sounds pretty sad suddenly at the thought of leaving and I hate it altogether.

“So I’m going to start packing our things up after you’ve gone, then start shipping it as soon as possible and then hopefully by the end of January, maybe mid February” he looks confused and his confused look confuses me “why you looking at me like that?”
“I thought I was going to have to wait for months Jay, I’m fucking thrilled it’ll be that soon” he’s gone from sad to excited in just seconds.

“Marshall, Paul needs to put my mind at rest about Archer first, I don’t want him scared by anyone and if Kim finds out which.... “

“I told her already” he interrupts my rambling, I feel a moments irritation that one, he’s told her without speaking to me about it and two, that he’s been near her.

Stepping out of his arms I start refolding the washing pile I’d been folding before I began staring out of the window at Jack and him talking.

“Are you pissed off with me?” looking up at him, he watches me folding this shit again like a mad woman, I can’t help it, the last time that woman was involved in our relationship she nearly finished us, she nearly finished me for that matter and we spent two years apart because of her.

“When?” I ask, letting him hear the irritation in my voice.

“Christmas eve when I dropped the girls off!”

“mother fucker”  I mutter under my breath.

“Angel you’ve nothing to be worried about, I asked her not to tell the girls and she didn’t, in fact she even seemed remorseful about dragging you into our shit, she’ll be fine” he tries to placate me.

“Jaime, I want you, no one else just you. You’re not just my lover Angel, you’re my best friend, you're the only one I trust to hold my heart” he’s sincere and blushes as he speaks and fuck if I don’t get a lump in my throat, I can’t speak for fear of the sob I’m holding back escaping so instead I move quickly towards him, throwing my arms around him and burying my face in his neck so he can’t see all of the feelings I’ve got going on “Love you baby” I whisper before pulling myself out of his hold, grateful that he knew what my problem really was, I had been scared he’d find a way back to her but I knew now that he wouldn’t.

“So Angel we need to hit the sack, I’ve got plans for tonight” He wiggles his eyebrows at me “Marshall it’s three o clock in the afternoon, if sex isn’t on offer I’m not going to bed, besides Archer will be awake soon” I think he’s lost his damn mind as he tries to drag me over to the bed,  he eventually tickles me into submission and I collapse on to my bed beside him “Just a smooch and a nap then Jay?”  he tries to compromise.

“I know where your fooling around leads to Mathers!” I stare at him, whilst trying to wriggle my way out of his clutches.

“Oh yeah and tell me, where exactly do my innocent kisses lead to?” he gives me some big, wide eyed look that I assume he thinks portrays his innocence in this matter but then he smirks and ruins it.

I hold my laughter in, the funny thing is that I’ve seen Archer pull that face before, although he often suckered me in because he was my baby, my big man baby though shimmied his hips at me, all pretence at innocent smooching gone out the window.

“Come on Jaime, just let me touch my boobs and kiss on you for a bit, you won’t regret it” he smiles his voice full of promise and hope as he looks up at me from his spread Eagled position on my bed.

“Okay then, just a little touch and kiss but that’s all mister” I state firmly, bowing to the fuck me eyes he's giving me before laying next to him, he nods his head.
“and maybe if you feel like it a blow job, but no pressure Jaime” he throws it out there making me giggle.

I love him so much, in a short space of time he’s managed to get me to agree to marry him, move in ASAP and now get rid of my birth control, he’s been a busy boy today I think to myself before succumbing to a loud moan as his teeth clamp down around my nipple.

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