Happy Birthday Marshall

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17th October 2022

“That’s it Jaime, you got this. Push”

Marshall cheers me on from beside my head, holding onto my hand, I grip it tighter and he winces, causing him pain right now makes me deliriously happy.

“You’re doing so good JJ, keep going, don’t stop now” Sarah holds my other hand and encourages me to keep pushing this gigantic baby out of my body, I swear it never hurt this much with Archer.

I’m stressed out because Archer wanted to be here while his little brother was being born and Marshall in his wisdom had agreed, there’s things happening in the lower half of my body that no six-year-old boy should bear witness too. I’d agreed under duress that as long as he didn’t go anywhere near the business end of me and one of his older sisters sat with him, only then he could come in the delivery suite.

After taking the pregnancy test the morning after we got married, I was so disappointed that it turned out to be negative that I'd pretty much given up hope of falling pregnant ever again. I did my best to not let it ruin our honeymoon and Marshall was so sweet and supportive that I fell in love with him all over again.

“Dad, how does the stork get in here to bring the baby?”  glaring up at Marshall, I secretly smile on the inside as he looks to me for an answer, instead I whisper with gritted teeth “Get out of that one Dad?” I told him not to tell him such a ridiculous story but oh no Mather’s knows best!

“Son, the baby comes out of Mom’s body, there’s no stork” the room goes silent apart from my laboured breathing.

“So does it come out of her butthole?” Archer’s voice is so innocent that part of me melts while the other part of me wants to strangle someone, namely my husband. Marshall is quiet, brain working overtime on solving this little problem, he looks to me for help but I turn my head away quickly, smirking. I'm not helping him out of this hole.

“Whit, why don’t you take Archie to get an ice cream, this will take a while and I’ll call if you need to come back” Sarah saves the fucking day.

Whit and Archer get up and walk past the business end of my bed, I see Archer take a long look at me, eyes on fucking stalks before I can shout No or close my fucking legs, he turns to his big sister to say “See Whit, I told you babies come out the butthole” fuck my fucking life, Marshall earns himself the death grip on his hand ratcheting up a notch and my head flops wearily back on my pillows.

I couldn’t scream and swear the way I wanted before because my first baby was here but now he’s gone, I’m letting loose.

Sarah insisted on being here because she was there when Archie was born, I had been with her when their daughter Sammy had been born so I owed her this apparently and Marshall was the Dad so I guess he automatically had the right.

However, they were trying to out fuss one another, if Sarah pumped up my pillows Marshall did it again the second she was finished and if Marshall fed me ice chips, Sarah was determined that I should eat more from her.
To be honest I’d be glad to push this baby out and then push these two people out of this room. I needed some peace and quiet here.

“Angel let go of my hand please” he whined in protest at the pain I was causing him, the perverse pleasure of hurting him was too good to give up at that second so as another contraction hit me, I pushed down hard into the bed and dug my nails deep into the backs of both of their hands.

“You’re never fucking touching me again, do you hear me” with the kids gone, I don’t have to control myself anymore and oh god it feels good to shout and swear at him.

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