Christmas Day Part Two

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Despite going to bed feeling pretty sad and pissed off, Marshall in his own special unique way had managed to send me off to sleep with a smile plastered across my face and I'd woken up early, feeling really good and excited for the day ahead.

I stared at him sleeping peacefully beside me for a good thirty minutes, marvelling at the fact that he was all mine before deciding to get up and check on my little man, he too was out like a light his little body more than likely exhausted from travelling and the different time zones playing havoc with his routine but I was so glad I'd decided to take us both to Michigan.

I felt like I was walking on air, Jack and Sarah being the only fly in my ointment right now but I wasn't going to worry about them today and there was no point, I didn't know how we were going to make things better yet.

Skipping down the stairs I was startled to see Whitney sat at my kitchen table, headphones on nodding along to whatever tune she was playing with a pile of books spread open in front of her, I felt a moments joy at seeing her studying until she looked up and caught me watching her.

"Morning, anything you need a hand with?" crossing into the kitchen I remembered her asking for help and it had been a good while since I'd helped anyone out in the academic sense, I was chomping at the bit to get a look at her school work.

"Yeah that would be amazing, thanks Jaime" taking a seat next to her we worked solidly together for an hour, helping Whitney understand her math problems and soon enough she was having no trouble at all with getting her solutions down on paper. She already had them in her head, really she only needed help putting them on paper, I felt alive again talking about solutions and she'd come along way in the past two years. it was okay teaching people to surf and about being safe in and around the water but I didn't get the same pleasure as I did from helping kids to understand things. I'd been in denial about how much I'd missed teaching classes, but helping Whitney had got me thinking, maybe I could be a home tutor in Michigan!
suddenly the possibilities seemed endless and I set about making everyone breakfast feeling quite pleased with myself and happy that everything was coming together at last.

The feeling of two warm arms snaking around my waist made me gasp, Marshall's fresh scent enveloped my body, playing havoc with my senses before he pulled me back against his warm, firm chest "Morning Sexy" he greeted me with his gruff morning voice, sending shivers up and down my spine before simultaneously planting a kiss on my cheek and stealing a pancake, I watch the fine figure of him walking away from me, ruffling Whitney's hair on the way "Morning favourite daughter."

He shouts out at the two older girls to get up before he reappears minutes later with a sleep deprived looking Archer in his arms, his hair is sticking up everywhere and he grumbles away to himself cutely before Marshall places him in his chair, he'll be asleep again soon.
Marshall seems to be in a really happy mood too, guess an hour of cock worshipping was the trick to a happy rapper in the morning I'd be sure to remember that.
Sitting back I enjoyed the hustle and bustle of my small kitchen bursting at the seams, filled with this rambunctious lot, everyone was talking over one another, five different conversations going on at once yet Marshall kept up with them all, stealing bits of their breakfast off of their plates when they weren't looking and it made me fall in love with him just a little bit more.

This was all I'd ever wanted, I looked over at Archer and smiled he was asleep with his hand in his bowl of food. Absolutely perfect.

Once the girls had voluntarily cleaned the dishes and tidied the kitchen we gathered in my lounge around my little Christmas tree, Marshall settled at my feet on the floor and Alaina gave out some presents from under the tree, there were a lot more there than when we went to bed yesterday, I tried to recall if Marshall had gotten up during the night but I didn't remember anything, he'd definitely been sneaky though, as a small gift box was placed on my lap, it was the same expensive looking packaging that my hermit crab charm had arrived in, he glanced up at me shyly, his cheeks turning red as I guessed whatever was in here was about to cost him more of his man points in his kids eyes.

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