Jaime's Midnight Caller

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Pushing the door closed behind me quickly I lean back against it breathing heavily, ears listening out for Marshall’s car to leave,  when I finally hear wheels crunch on the gravel seconds later as he reverses his big black car out of the tiny driveway, I slide down the door holding onto my chest.
What the hell just happened? How did we go to a nice meal and him thanking me profusely to sitting by lake Michigan chatting to then being pounded into the dirt by him.
Looking down I survey the damage, grass and mud all over my new trousers, zip ripped apart by Marshall in a passionate frenzy, these weren’t salvageable at all, my neck and chest hurt. Grabbing my phone from my bag I snap a quick selfie of my chest and sure enough there’s bruises and bite marks scattered across my chest and neck. I know I marked his neck too a little which makes me feel less angry about his marking me.

Smiling to myself I get up from the floor and head towards my bathroom still a little shocked at how that escalated so quickly, I’m partly to blame, I felt his gaze on me at dinner,  saw him adjusting himself in his reflection of the glass walled restaurant as I walked ahead of him out of the door maybe I swayed my hips a little sexier than I normally would have and leant deliberately closer to him at the lake so maybe it shouldn’t have been so shocking to me that he pounced.

It was pure animalistic fucking, I wasn’t the kind of woman who enjoyed one night stands and in fact that was my first, that part kind of left a bitter taste in my mouth but on the other hand, no man had ever made me orgasm by penetration alone, it was a shock and awe moment to let go like that.
Fucking in its purest and most passionate form. I couldn’t feel bad about the experience at all, I’d enjoyed him too much. 

The noises he made in my ears as we fucked slam back to the forefront of my mind, turning me on again. Those sexy, feral, guttural grunts and groans and the harsh breathing all music to my ears. I made him make those noises as he made me make noises I’d never heard escape from my throat, it was a powerful heady feeling.

My only hope was that we could go back to a parent/teacher relationship and continue working together to help and support Whitney because if not I’d dropped my whole life and left it behind for no good reason.

I ran a hot bath to soak my tired muscles, my thighs ached and other previously under used parts of my body were beginning to protest at being so roughly handled.

I’d like to say I wouldn’t go there again but I wouldn’t count it out, the likely hood being that he’d had his fill now so that would be that I supposed.

The next morning I woke up my body aching hearing someone pounding on the apartment door, I hurried out of bed and shrieked with excitement when I opened the door and my best friend Sarah stood there.
“Get up you lazy bitch, I came to see if it’s really as cold as you say it is here?” I laugh and step back asking her to indeed come in out of the cold “Fuck it's fucking cold, next time you're coming back to Cali Jay" I giggle as she sits on my couch pulling a blanket around her shoulders.

“So how’s it going? I wanna know everything, have you met any cute guys?”
I knew that would be one of her first questions but before I can answer she shrieks as loud as I did when I answered the door to her “Jaime Prince, what is that on your neck?” she sounds very stern with me, I’d completely forgotten about the marks on my neck, my hand moves up to try and cover the love bites, but she grabs my hand away and inspects me closer tutting at me.
I blush deep red, my face and neck burning under her close scrutiny “umm I had sex last night and it was bad!” I admit before hanging my head in shame “Those mark’s would suggest that the sex was anything but bad babe."

“Sorry I meant that it was bad as in, a bad move. I teach his daughter. The sex was spectacular, I came twice, that’s never happened before" my neck burns as I come clean about how good it was.
Sarah looks at me seriously before her face cracks and she roars with laughter “Oh my god, you fucked a DILF!” she yells out and quickly begins wiping away her tears of laughter, laughter at my expense. My arms fold across my chest as I mentally prepare to take her on.

“It’s not funny Sarah, you know I don’t do things like that, it’s not me and it’s so much worse than that” I try to hide my face and cover my head with the blanket “Hey don’t feel bad about it, but please tell me he’s not married, nobody needs that drama" I shake my head laughing at her “Divorced actually" she sags with relief that I haven’t lost all of my morals.
“So what makes it so much worse then?” she mocks my whiny tone and I slap her arm gently. I can’t tell her about Marshall, he hasn’t said much of anything but from what I do know about him from our meal and as big and as hard as he acts I think he would bolt if I made one wrong move or told someone about him and that’s why I haven’t told any of my friends or family back home that I’m teaching his daughter, I already know loyalty is a very big deal to him.

I shrug my shoulders at Sarah “Its worse because its so clichéd, fucking a parent of one of your students, not to mention the schools fraternization policy, I could get fired!” thankfully she seems to accept this reason and the conversation moves on to more comfortable subjects.
We spend a fun day and evening together and it’s so good to have someone familiar around me, reminding me of home. It’s quite late when we finally get home and we both head off to bed.


My phone ringing beside my bed wakes me an hour later and it’s a text from Marshall “let me in" fuck! He’s here?
Getting up and looking out of the window I see his big car dominating the yard and hope to god Sarah doesn’t wake up. Against my better judgement I open my front door and before I can even blink I’m grabbed and pushed up against the wall, held into place by Marshall's toned body, his lips smashed against my own and I moan loudly startling myself before pushing against his shoulders in an effort to stop him, he pulls away breathing heavily “what?” he whispers trying to attack my mouth again.

“I have company,  you can’t be here" even as I say this my arms and legs tighten around his body, not wanting to let go of him. “There’s a fucking man here?” he raises his voice, pissed off at the thought of it.

“No my friend Sarah, she’s sleeping" he considers my words for a few seconds before cocking his head to one side and speaking “then you should try to be quiet when I fuck you!”
He sets me back on my feet “bedroom?" it’s most definitely a command, he's not asking for me to lead him to my room, he's telling me.
What I should do is ask him to leave but instead I grab his hand and pull him along the hallway quietly to my room and close the door gently behind us “you can’t stay here Marshall" I tell him backing away from him, how would I explain him at breakfast to Sarah?
The look on his face makes me wet with desire “wasn’t planning on staying Jay" he stalks towards me, eyes roaming over my body before he drags his wallet from his pocket and looks for a condom, he looks disappointed and rummages harder swearing under his breath.
“Fuck! Are you on birth control?” he sounds desperate and it’s kind of sexy and I hate to disappoint but I shake my head in reply “no" he swears again.
“I’m going to need you to sort that out Jaime!” he moves forward to me, giving me some intense sex eyes “I’m hungry” he mutters, looking down at my lower half. Holy shit!

Marshall pushes me back on my bed, wrapping his fingers in the sides of my panties and ripping them from my body  “you need to stop ripping my shit" I pant out as he drops to his knees dragging my hips to the edge of my bed, he blinks up at me and smirks.

His rough hands pushing my thighs apart and I watch as his head dives between my legs and his tongue flicks out against my clit making me jump and shiver. I moan quietly and he hums against me, the vibrations making me thrash my head side to side.
“Hmm I could feast on you forever, you taste so sweet" he lifts his face momentarily before I place my hand on his head guiding him back down on me. My free hand lifts and covers my mouth I want to shout and scream and I can't contain it as he sucks my clit applying direct and intense pressure on it and then sucking on my pussy lips in turn, the wet sucking and slurping noises coming from him do nothing to ease this amazing agony as he pushes me higher and higher with his talented mouth, my hips rise and fall with increasing speed, fucking his face, he tries his best to hold me still but I’m out of my mind with pleasure and not able to stop moving. One of his hands covers mine over my mouth pressing gently trying to keep me quiet and I thrash about under him until suddenly my I explode and I moan against our hands loudly, its muffled thank fuck though and I release my grip on his head as I float gently back down to earth.

He gets up from his kneeling position and kisses me, I taste myself on his lips and moan lightly as he pulls away from me, wiping his face across his sleeve “I enjoyed my meal, you owe me now, I’ll collect on that when I want" and with that and me still lying on my bed panting he leaves and I lay back wondering what the fuck just happened yet again.

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