Marshall Forgets

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“Hold up, did you just say three weeks?” Paul glares at me from across the desk, “Yes, you imbecile three weeks” I glare back at him two can play that game but Christ the fuckers got some attitude today.
I bet he’s not getting laid, probably gave his wife some of that attitude and she’s cut him off and quite rightly so. I'm on her side.

“Shut the fuck up Paul, I don’t remember agreeing to three fucking weeks away from home, what the fuck am I doing for three fucking weeks?” he stands up and plants his fucking meaty fists on the table and bends over towards me “six fucking months ago, you were all yeah, yeah, yeah three weeks will be fine, let’s fucking do it” he uses what he claims to be is my whiny voice as he stands there breathing heavy with impatience.

“We promised Dre and you need to help the new signings at Shady records” I begin to vaguely recall a conversation and much to my disgust I did fucking agree to three weeks away working, fuck, mother fucking fuck.

Since I’d taken Jaime to my mansion a little over a month ago things between us were getting better and better on the daily. There was no pressure from her, she helped me start packing up my stuff from the mansion, she didn’t complain when one of my kids dropped by unannounced and I chose to spend the evening with them rather than her.
It was getting to the point that I couldn’t bear to be apart from her longer than twenty four hours. If I couldn’t manage twenty four hours there was no way I’d manage three fucking weeks. Shit!


Life for everyone else in my life had taken a turn for the better too, Kim was out of the hospital and home she seemed to be a hundred times better than she was before, she was attending her meetings and dealing with the legal side of her accident with good enough grace and Whitney was back at school, excelling in her work Jaime had reluctantly told me after much probing and persuasion. She didn’t believe in talking about Whit’s school stuff without Kim present.

Jaime, I’d learnt was a stickler for school rules, although when I’d bought up the schools no fraternization policy she argued the point fiercely and said it was one of the reasons she wouldn’t talk to me about Whitney away from school, she was livid with me that day and to top it all off seeing her so fucking angry and passionate turned me on no end but as she was so mad with me she wouldn’t touch me, in fact her exact words were “If you think I’m touching that or your touching me, then forget it!”

In revenge I jerked off as we lay in bed together, feeling the sexual tension rolling off of her in waves and I came on her ass messing up the black panties she was wearing in bed which made her even angrier, so then she had to get up and change them.
I’m sure she fell asleep frustrated while I had a smug, satisfied grin on my face. It was our first kind of row, no where in the same league as mine and Kim’s rows.

I put it on her good the morning after and all was well with the world.
I was a smug, petty bastard.


I sighed heavily as Paul sat his fat ass back down “You remember now dipshit?” I nod, pissed off that I’m going to have to tell Jaime I’ll be away for so long.

“Can we move anything around? Make it shorter maybe!” I change tact and ask nicely hoping he’ll comply.

“Why?” he asks bluntly and I keep stubbornly quiet “Anything to do with that teacher you had the guys do a background check on” he’s so fucking smug that he knew about it and is now trying to use it against me, but I’m just furious that they told him, maybe now is the time to tell him about Jaime though I think to myself, but I keep quiet still while he continues staring at me.

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