Jaime Demands A Change Of Scenery

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“I know this is just sex Marshall but surely we could have a change of scenery every now and then” I pout, looking up at him from my spot on the floor between his legs, he looks confused because I’ve stopped sucking his dick to complain that I need a change from doing this at my place.

Sighing and finally accepting the fact I’m not continuing “What the fuck did you have in mind?”  he mutters as he tries to force his cock back in my mouth, one sharp nip has him backing up cupping his genitals, looking like he might cry or murder me.

“Oh relax, I didn’t bite it off you big baby. I was thinking maybe we could do this at your house for once” frankly he looks horrified by my suggestion, there’s no other word for the way that he looks at me and I sit back on my hunches, arms crossed over my naked chest while I scowl at him “no fucking way” he growls out whilst looking at me like I’m something he accidently stepped in.
I feel embarrassed for asking and by my nakedness suddenly and cover up quickly.
With that single look he’s reminded me of my position in his life and made me feel unworthy of his time.

I weigh up my options quickly before getting up from the floor and heading towards my front door “Out you go then” I gesture for him to leave and the fucker laughs at me, stands there laughing and rubbing his cock. “Come on now Jay, get back here and finish sucking me off!” he laughs again, the bastard actually thinks I’m playing and if he hadn’t of looked at me like that I might well of been, but no I’m not having it “Get out and suck your own cock asshole”
I’m barely holding onto my temper as his face changes finally the penny dropping that he’s upset me but I’d bet you anything he doesn’t realise how.

Marshall takes a step towards me, hands held out in a peace making gesture “Jay I” he stutters, he’s not sure how to proceed here and I decide to help him out as he pulls his pants up “I know I’m not stunningly beautiful or any great catch for that matter but the next time you look down on me will be the last” he tries to reply but I’m too busy shoving him out of the door and closing it behind him before succumbing to tears that had threatened to spill earlier.

He phones me every hour on the hour for the rest of the day and I ignore him and go to sleep feeling like shit and angry because of him.

I’m woken early the next morning by someone knocking on my door, I know it’s not Marshall, it’s not insistent and impatient enough. I open the door slowly the chilly morning air taking my breath away as I’m confronted by a huge bouquet of yellow roses which are thrust into my arms and the delivery guy leaves without speaking a single word.
Placing them on my kitchen side because I don’t think they’ll fit anywhere else and I stare at the attached card unsure if I want to open this can of worms or not but eventually curiosity gets the better of me and I snatch it up opening it quickly, I recognise the slanted capitalised writing immediately and read it quickly.

I’m sorry I hurt you, I never expected to feel for you. Please speak to me.  Mx

It’s short and sweet, I almost get the impression that he maybe wrote more but in order not to give himself away completely to hide something from me, he's shortened it.

Is he saying he has feelings for me?
My heart stutters in my chest and I run and grab my phone clutching it close to me and hoping he’ll call again soon figuring I’ll see what he has to say for himself before accepting his apology the last thing I wanted to do was fall into the trap of him thinking I’d roll over and forgive him at any time because that would not happen.

I at the very least wanted a compromise on what I’d asked about a change of scenery.

An hour later my phone vibrated furiously on my chest, I answered before checking to see who it was, I knew it was him
“Jaime!” his shock evident in his voice at my answering his call “Umm did you get the roses? I chose yellow because they mean sorry and I am sorry” he blurts out without drawing for breath.

“Yes, I received them this morning. Thank you Marshall they are beautiful”  my tone of voice is kinda off I didn’t mean for it to be but all is not yet forgiven.

“I just wanted to explain to you about my house, Kim aside I’ve never bought any woman back here and it’s my safe place, it’s drama free and It’s the one place I have that I can hide away and not have people constantly wanting things from me, not that I put you in with that but I’m not ready to give my space up” he’s quiet as he describes his feelings about his home to me and I listen understanding now why he recoiled when I broached the subject.

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