Three Little Words

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Hi thank you to everyone that has been reading and voting for Learning to fly, I am loving writing this story so much.
I couldn't make up my mind if this chapter was going to be from Marshall's or Jaime's POV but I decided Marshall in the end because its kind of his thing I think lol and I've included the image I see in my dreams as well.

My arrival at Jaime’s place later that night was cause for concern for me because she was acting completely out of character. I stood in her kitchen leant against the counter top watching her cleaning. I watched her every movement unable to drag my eyes away from her, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. After she’d opened the door and let me in I’d received a rather chaste kiss to the cheek and then she dashed off to the kitchen and was cleaning like a woman possessed this was not how I saw our reunion going.

So I stood bemused, Jaime was nervous about something and I’d never seen this side of her before. She stopped cleaning and looked up at me “Shit! Sorry Marshall did you want a drink” she speaks quickly messing her words up and I shake my head no, I wanted her. Nothing more just her but she was on this mad cleaning shit.
As she walks past me I reach out and take her elbow gently and pull her close to my chest. “Jaime, what’s wrong? What’s going on with you?” her eyes can’t meet mine and I worry for a nanosecond that she’s got bad news to tell me but instead she screws her face up looking confused, desire shines in her eyes but she’s keeping it on lock down.

“I feel like everything's about to change and for the first time since I met you, I’m scared” her eyes plead with mine, the tension in the air is intense and now I understand, she can see straight through me and she knows that after tonight they will be no turning back for either of us.

“Don’t be scared Angel, I got you” I whisper into her hair holding her body close to mine. The boot is usually on the other foot and I’m the one avoiding us but as soon as I got off the jet this morning all that shit just vanished, I was a hundred and fifty per cent sure of what I needed and more importantly who Jaime was to me. My heart wasn’t pounding with the usual frantic need to fuck her, it was slow and steady, peaceful even, though passion and desire bubbled away pleasantly inside me. Rather than pushing these feelings aside I let them flow through me unrestrained. I was finally ready.

Dipping my head I kissed her slowly feeling her body relax in my arms, she tightens her grip on me before sliding a warm hand up the back of my t shirt, feeling me, my skin burns as she pulls away, her eyes meeting mine for the first since I got here and she gives me a shy smile.

“You ready to let me show you now Angel” we’re both whispering even though we’re alone “Yes” she pulls away and I take her hand and lead her towards her bedroom, remembering when I asked her at the mansion that first night about making love and she asked me to lead her, so that is what I was going to do for her lead her and show her that I was madly in love with her.

Jaime stood beside her bed waiting for me to go to her, I took my time walking towards her looking her over, appraising what I now considered to be mine.
Upon reaching her I took her face gently in my hands pressing my body against hers and kissing her again tenderly, I loved kissing her.
Loved the hungry, frantic kisses, the passionate ones and this one slow and never ending, no groping of one another just her hands smoothing over the skin under my t shirt, I break contact with her to pull my t shirt up off over my head and then her sweater, she looks stunning in a pink lacy bra and my finger tips brush over her nipples slowly in the way back to her face, continuing our kiss.
Jaime breaks the kiss this time, pushing her forehead to mine while her fingers stroke my hair softly allowing me the chance to finish undressing us both until we stood naked in front of one another, It was like I was seeing her for the first time, Jaime reaches up and places her hand over my heart “Mine?” she says softly, smiling up at me “All yours Angel” we clutch one another in a tight embrace, my cock is hard but it’s not controlling my actions for once.

Jaime lays back on the bed stretching out on her side facing me, she pats the bed beside her and I join her, our hands moving gently over one another before I feel an overwhelming need to feel her under me, a need to press her into the mattress with my weight and keep her here.

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