Jaime Makes A Decision

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"Why are you here Marshall, it's almost midnight"

He strolls inside past me and heads for my kitchen when I arrive he's filling my kettle with water. "Help yourself Marshall," I say sarcastically as he roots through my cupboards looking for something. "Coffee?" He asks me turning his head towards me and smirking, I nod at him, "yeah black please and what are you reminding me of exactly?"

"Oh yeah" he says before completely forgetting to answer me again. I watch fascinated as he makes us both a drink and then carries it through to my lounge, I follow him and watch him planting himself comfortably on my couch with his feet up on my little table. I think I've fallen into some strange altered reality, it's midnight and I just opened the door to Eminem who strolled on in like he lives here and made us both a drink.

"Marshall?" I sit next to him and take my drink and wait patiently, prompting him yet again for an answer.

"You always answer the door wearing that? ", he changes the subject and I look down and laugh, "no I was just finishing marking some papers and going to bed and It's fucking freezing" my short sweater dress that just covered the tops of my thighs rides up. He can't take his eyes away from my exposed skin. He's quiet, warming his hands on his mug before he suddenly blurts out his real reason for being here "I came to remind you about birth control and you sorting it out."

He's a fucking caveman I should have seen that coming. "Calm your tits Marshall I've made an appointment, although I should tell you I've made the appointment for my benefit and not yours." I tell him truthfully not wanting him to think he's got any kind of upper hand or that I'm just going to bend to his every whim. I was only having a break from my injection anyway but he didn't need to know that. Then I think to myself that we've not had a conversation about what this is, I don't know what this is but talking about birth control surely is an indicator of something long time or maybe I'm just getting carried away with myself.

He laughs loudly, the first time I've heard it and it's a beautiful noise.

"I don't give a fuck who you do it for I'm going to benefit either way." He smiles smugly at me. I could slap his smug ass.

"What's going on here Marshall?" I want to know, I'm not bothered if it is what is but I kind of want to know where his head is at.

" What do you mean? I'm about to fuck you senseless Jaime." He stares at me and I believe him, the thought momentarily distracts me from what I was asking.

I take an uncertain breath suddenly his cockiness is turning me on but I pretend he has no effect on me and press on "I mean between us. What is this?" He sighs a heavy breath before leaning over and kissing me deeply before he pulls his lips away from me again, gazing into my eyes "we're just two people enjoying some time together, taking care of each others most basic needs. Can you do that for me?" he has the most sincere look on his face and with those baby blues staring at me I find myself agreeing with him, I've not had time to even think about if I want or need anything more. I'm willing to do something I've never done before and just have some guilt free fun.

"I can do that!" I tell him and he smiles before attacking my mouth again.

"I want you to do things with me that you've been afraid to ask your other men for, tell me and we'll do it all together, that's what I'm going to do with you. Everything you've ever wanted but been too afraid or embarrassed to ask for" those words are such a turn on to me, how does he know exactly what I've been thinking about.

He pulls up my dress and off launching it over the back of the couch and stares for ages before he finally reaches out, fingers slowly tracing the fading tan lines I caught at the beach last weekend, he makes me shudder with desire and then he dips his head tracing the same lines with his tongue.
"You taste so good Jaime, like sunshine." His tone of voice makes me melt this whole seduction thing he's got going on is really doing a number on me. My hands find their way up under his t shirt, stroking the soft skin of his belly, feeling his stomach muscles contract under my finger tips before tracing the v lines down into his sweat pants. My hands cups his cock gently and I release him from my grip as he sucks in a harsh breath.

Learning To FlyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora