Marshall's Frustration

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I'll teach her to fuck with me over the phone thinking I won't come over here and spank her ass for her.
I hung up on her and boarded my jet within the hour, a little over twelve hours ago. Jaime was clearly in need of reminding who was putting it on her, she didn’t need no handsome asshole when she had me waiting to come back to her.

How fucking dare some pretty prick lay his hand on my woman’s ass. If I’d have been here I’d be up on a murder charge right about now. I had been planning on surprising them this weekend anyway, it had been three weeks already since I’d first arrived here to try and make her love me again. I’d spoken to Jaime and Archer daily since then and I couldn’t wait to get back here,  my trip had now moved ahead three days just because of that phone call.

Paul was beside himself that I’d just up and left and still not completed what was to be my next album, Revival. I’d turned my phone to silent so I wouldn’t have to hear him calling me every ten fucking minutes.

The thought of sinking slowly inside of Jaime’s warm, willing body once more was more than enough to get me here quickly as was the need to punish her for her sass but god I loved that sassy attitude of hers.

“Hey little man, Daddy’s here now” I speak softly to Archer and he looks up at me with the cutest confused expression I’ve ever seen before leaping up, holding onto the side of his cot bed and jumping up and down shouting Musty over and over until I reach in and pick him up.
“What do you say we say Daddy from now on” I point to my naked chest and say Daddy, I do this while I make him breakfast but he keeps up with the Musty, stubborn like his dad, but it was fair to say my mind was distracted by the naked woman tied to her bed upstairs.
Jaime was going to be so pissed at me for leaving her there for so long.

As I’m about to climb the stairs and put Archer back in his room, hoping he’d be full enough to sleep a couple of hours more so I could take care of business, Jaime’s doorbell rings. Its Jack and he looks confused by my presence for a beat before smiling “umm I usually take Archie to the mainland to the market today, is it okay for him to come still?”

“Does he need anything to take with him?” I try to remain friendly it’s his wife who clearly has the problem with me although I can sense it under the surface of his carefully composed face but for some reason I trust this guy, I know Jaime does and Archer reaches out to grab Jack so he’s clearly comfortable around with him and if he takes him that’ll give me a couple of hours play time with my naughty Angel.

“Yeah he's got a life preserver that he’ll need, and some warm clothes Marshall. I'll grab them from his bedroom.  I know where it all is" I nod stepping to the side letting him in and past me. Then it suddenly dawns on me that he might try to see Jaime,  her current position would not put me in a great place in their eyes.  I follow him up quickly and stand guard outside her door. 

He strides back past me “where’s Jaime?” He asks, suddenly suspicious that he hasn’t seen her  “she’s sleeping,”  his eyes narrow as he reaches past me and knocks on the door loudly “hey Jaime,  you okay?”
Mercifully she replies straight away “Morning Jack I’m just getting dressed,  are you taking Archie to market?”

“ Yeah.”

“Ok have a great morning I'll see you when you get back.” Her voice doesn’t sound angry, she’s been tied to the bed for well over an hour now, she’s bound to be annoyed with me.


I see them out the door, kissing Archer good bye. Then as soon as I can I’m running back upstairs and flinging open the bedroom door with a devilish grin on my face, halting in the doorway, confused and shocked to see the bed empty. 

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