Jaime's Visiter

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“And he just left?” Sarah asks in disbelief.

“Yeah, you would have thought I’d told him I loved or something he pulled his shit together so quick, I blinked and he was gone!”

I’m still two days later baffled by most of Marshall’s visit to me on Tuesday night and needed Sarah’s advice, which is difficult when I couldn’t tell her any details about him.

“Just give me a name JJ it’s not like I’ll know him is it?” She pleads with me but I can’t because she will most definitely know who Marshall is.

“I can’t, it’s complicated. I just commented that maybe we had great sex together because we have great chemistry that’s all” I sound pathetic to my own ears, at the time I said it to him I was still floating from the amazing sex, I hadn’t meant anything by it but he obviously thought the next thing to come out of my mouth was going to be ‘yes I’ll marry you’ and so I haven’t heard from him since and I supposed now that maybe I wouldn’t.

“JJ you scared the man, when you have no strings attached sex, you don’t mention chemistry, you fool!” she makes it sound like I should know this but I don’t, because I’ve never done this with anyone before and it’s a fucking minefield, it’s actually tiring trying to dodge the things that occasionally want to come out of my mouth in his presence that might accidently offend him.

“So what do I do then?” I ask frostily no longer wanting to hang on the phone because the conversation wasn’t going my way.

“You lay back and take the pleasure he’s giving you and return it occasionally, that’s it” I’m so not into her assessment of this situation and I’m quiet on my end of the phone for what seems like an age.

“You grumpy now, I bet you’re wanting to hang up on me aren’t you?” she asks and I grunt in response but she ignores me and continues talking to me.
“So I’ve left you enough food and drink in the fridge, Zoe’s food is in the cupboard under the sink, you’ve got a key and my car keys will be in the kitchen for you to use. We’ll have left before you arrive tomorrow night so just treat the place like you usually do, thank you for looking after Zoe for us” my sulky mood improves a little at the thought of Sarah’s beach house and her oversized hound that I was looking after while she went to surf in Hawaii with her boyfriend.

“Go, have a great time, Zoe and I will be fine” My tone a little lighter now as we say goodbye.

Tomorrow evening couldn’t come quick enough as far as I was concerned, it was now much to my disgust Snowing in Michigan and it was not helping my mood at all.
Saturday morning I’d wake up and step out onto the soft, warm sand In Santa Monica and the house was beautiful, luxurious, it was grand from the front but from the back on the beach it was pure perfection. My happy place.

Friday Evening

The flight to Santa Monica and cab ride to Sarah’s House was very uneventful, Zoe was ecstatic to see me and she had me on the floor before I even managed to close the front door of the house, she was huge and if you didn’t know her I could imagine if this big black dog ran at you, you might shit your pants but in truth Zoe was more likely to lick you to death rather than hurt you.

I stood up and took a deep breath, shaking off Zoe’s black hairs and exhaling away any stresses and strains from the past week, finally ready to relax and I settle down for the night, tired as hell.

Five am the next morning and I’m up pulling on a bikini top and my wetsuit over the top, In my haste I rip a hole in the fucker and decided to go shopping later to buy a new one, I'd had this old one for years, it was no wonder my fingers went straight through it.

Feeding Zoe on my way out, it was still a little on the dark side as I grab my stored surfboard from Sarah’s garage. I was lucky that she let me keep my stuff here because it wouldn’t fit in my small apartment in Michigan.

Zoe came out to play in the surf with me when she was ready and I paddled out deeper waiting for wave after wave and having an awesome time by myself.
When it began to get hot I got out and headed back to the house, hosed the salty water from Zoe’s fur which she really enjoyed, biting at the streams of water raining down on her, making me laugh and I got ready to head out shopping after I purchased my new wetsuit and a wetsuit style pink swimming costume. I was happy to head back to the car and hit the beach.

As I searched through my purse for the parking ticket I stumbled across the gift card Marshall had given me for Victoria’s secret. My head snapped up sure I’d passed one a little while back, I had no idea how much the card was worth but on a whim I decided to head back to where I thought I’d seen the shop, pleased when I saw it was definitely there. I turned the pretty card over in my fingers, should I use it or not? It took me five minutes until I pushed the door open and walked in, looking around until a sales assistant approached me “Good afternoon ma’am is there anything in particular you’d like to see?” she’s very pleasant as she waits patiently for me to find my voice.

“Umm I was given this as a gift but I don’t know how much its worth, could you tell me please” I smile as she says sure and leads me over towards the till, I watch her face as she scans the barcode on the back and waits for the balance to appear, I can see the moment it pops up on her screen, her eyebrows knit together in surprise and she moves her head closer to the screen and squints at it, alarming me slightly, what the fuck has he put on it?

“Ma’am the balance of your card” she turns the screen towards me and I look and I do a double check “mother fucker” I whisper under my breath there’s $5000 on it, I feel a little queasy as she hands it back to me carefully and I clear my throat before looking back up and addressing her “I’m just going to look around” I’m fucking crimson with embarrassment as she leads me away from the till and then thankfully leaves me to shop alone and ponder the crazy mind of Marshall Mather’s.

I feel like I like his quirkiness, just showing up when he wanted, leaving when he was done it wasn’t like I didn’t benefit from it.  I thought it was funny and quite endearing. It really didn’t matter that he was hot as fire and turned my body inside out every time he’d touched me. I knew I wouldn’t refuse him, he was just what I needed to blow off steam every now and then his quirky behaviour was good for my too organized life.

I abused the card to the tune of $1000 and felt a little guilty about it all the way back to Sarah’s but then I mused if he ruined these then at least it was his own money he was wasting and not mine any more and besides I’d probably scared him away for good anyway.

I spent the rest of the day sunbathing and beginning to mark a few students essays with Zoe sleeping under an umbrella next to me, it was so quiet along the beach but then it was private so I guessed it that would be, the only noise around was the occasional seagull, waves lapping at the shore and Sarah’s plants moving in the gentle breeze. Michigan was growing on me more and more, I still loved Cali and as long as I could come back every now and then I thought that this might actually work out for me.

My first day was a success and I was excited for the rest of the week.


On Wednesday I woke up much earlier than before pulling on my swimsuit, determined not to waste the waves I could hear slapping along the beach and I was out there for a couple of hours and it was just after dawn when I headed back to the house ready to shower, eat and sleep.

As I approached the steps leading up to the hour the sight of  what I assumed to be a man wearing dark clothes with a hood up covering his face sat on the porch swing frightened me and I slowed down adjusting my grip on my surfboard ready to use it as a weapon to defend myself if I needed to, Fear was causing me to breathe heavier than normal and the sound disturbed him.

I halted, planting my feet in the sand at the bottom of the steps, where the fuck was Zoe when you needed her? I watched his hand move up towards his hood and he pulled it slowly down, relief flooded my body instantly.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing “Marshall?” it’s a question and he just nods as I walk up the steps towards him “What the hell are you doing here?” my voice is high pitched as I speak and my damn body reacts towards him being here.
He stands before he speaks, looking me up and down, the air now chilly in my wet swimsuit causes my nipples to visibly harden, as he spots that he licks his lips.

“I came to fuck!” he states clearly, like I should have known that.

I laugh harder than I mean too “There wasn’t anyone you could fuck in Detroit?” my laughter continues as he unzips his hoodie and pulls it off to reveal a black wife beater vest.

“I can fuck you bare, I’d have to jacket up with someone else and I can’t be assed!” he’s so cocksure and his reasoning makes no sense to me whatsoever. But his mind is fascinating!

“But you could be assed to stalk me and fly here, by the way the stalking part is illegal Marshall” I point this out to him but he just looks at me nonplussed by my words, he doesn’t care how many laws he’s broken to find out where I am.

Sighing I push on past him, propping my board up against the side of the house before unlocking the door and walking in.
I don’t stop to check if he’s behind me I already know he is, my body knows he’s  near “Have you had breakfast?” I ask before turning round to face him.

He’s leaning against the kitchen island staring at my ass “Shouldn’t you be wearing a wetsuit?” he ignores my breakfast question and I look down at my pink swimsuit. I hadn’t realised when I’d bought it without trying it on just how high cut the legs were or that when I pulled the zipper down thinking I was alone and about to head back for a shower how much cleavage I’d be exposing but I wore it in the dark so that it wouldn’t matter too much.

I wasn’t counting on my very own stalker putting in an appearance though.

“It is a wetsuit, stop being so judgmental Marshall” I tell him off and he snorts “I'm hungry, make me breakfast” his face is actually serious when he says it and I want to laugh at the audacity of him trying to order me around

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“It is a wetsuit, stop being so judgmental Marshall” I tell him off and he snorts “I'm hungry, make me breakfast” his face is actually serious when he says it and I want to laugh at the audacity of him trying to order me around.

“Make your own breakfast, Dick!” he makes my blood pressure rise and I'm not sure if it's lust or anger right now but with that I head off for my shower, he’s so fucking frustrating, a complete brat.

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