Marshall's Waiting Game

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I’m fairly sure when you ask the woman you love to marry you that she was supposed to say yes and not laugh raucously.
Fuck either she doesn’t believe me or the idea of being married to me for the rest of her days is so unimaginable that she’s laughing instead of recoiling with horror.

I’m not sure that I wouldn’t prefer that.

At least it would be honest.

Jaime props herself up on her elbow, turning on the small lamp over the hotel bed, leaning over me smiling and stroking my cheek with her soft palm “Baby are you cum drunk?” her eyes glitter and she looks normal.
Catching her wrist gently I hold it away from my face I can’t concentrate when she’s touching me “Jaime I’m serious, I’m sorry it wasn’t a romantic proposal or that there’s no diamond ring but I want to give you everything forever including peace of mind about my feelings towards you “
Her eyes search mine for a moment they look warm in this dim light “Jaime?” I prompt her again for an answer but instead she kisses me quickly before reaching up and turning the light off once more before she settles her head on my chest and rests a hand on my belly, it’s the only comfort I have in this moment, I’m freaking out inside incase I’ve totally done the wrong thing.

“I love you too much Marshall Mathers!” she speaks quietly into the darkness before her body relaxes so much that I know she’s sleeping. I don’t think I can sleep, I need to tell someone what I just did and her response.

“This better be good Tiny tears because I’m about to leave my wife for a week and you’re interrupting my goodbye” Paul groans down the phone and I hate to think about what exactly I might be interrupting right now, I’d send his wife some flowers later.

“Quit bitching Paul, its 3am here so it must be a decent time in New York” there’s movement in the background, a femine laugh and kissing noises “Paul focus, this is about me and I need some advice” ever the spoiled brat I shout down the phone and I swear I hear the sound of someone spanking someone’s ass, I feel traumatized but just as suddenly Paul’s all business again “Listen up fucker you got two minutes then I’m hanging up” shit he’s touchy.

“Okay I umm asked Jaime to marry me and she laughed, like proper belly laughed and didn’t answer me, what’s happening?”
I wait patiently for what seems like fucking hours before I hear Paul and his wife break out into laughter, what the fuck is wrong with everybody!

“Oh boy! I believe ‘I’d rather give birth through my tiny penis than get married again’ is a direct quote Marshall. “I never said ‘tiny’” I throw out becoming quite irritated by the laughter from everyone now.

“Was the ring too big, or not big enough like your tiny dick?” more laughter, I don’t know why I call this ass hole ‘friend’.

“There was no ring, I wasn’t expecting to propose it just came out of my mouth” my words are greeted with silence and my impatience grows.

“It just came out, as in post sex just came out?” Paul repeats my words back to me.

“Well it was an hour or so later not straight away”

“Did you mean it?”

“Yes!” I don’t even need to think about that question, I meant it and I want it.

“Wow, look man, you two have been through a lot, I’m sure she wants to say yes, so just give her a moment and you’ll have everything you’ve always wanted, don’t fuck it up Em!” and with that he hangs up.

His words make sense and I’m feeling better she just needs to sleep on it, I wish she could have just said yes straight away though because there are many, many scenarios running through my head.
As I climb gently back into bed with her and move her warm body back to covering mine, my mind quiets once more, the peace of being near her blankets me and I fall asleep.

I’m woken an hour or so later by a whisper in my ear “I love you” her hot breath tickling the lobe and then it’s gone. Blinking my eyes rapidly in the darkness I try to focus on Jaime and what ever shenanigans she’s got going on, reaching up for the overhead lamp my hand is knocked away “Not yet” I’m told sternly and my hand drops with a thud to the bed, something else is happening and I try to work out what it is my cock is hard that’s for sure and I think Jaime has had something to do with that, she moans beside and I realise I’m missing out with my overthinking and yank her body closer, she feels hot and she quickly straddles my belly rubbing her wet pussy against my skin “Baby you’re always hard, always ready to fuck!” she draws out her words, speaking slowly and it’s sexy as hell.

Moving back her pussy finds my cock and she slowly lowers herself down the length of my cock making my toes curl its so heavenly before she begins a slow rocking motion and then circles the lower half of her body, her insides clenching and releasing me as she rides me slowly. I reach up to fondle her tits and instead she takes my hands entwining her fingers with mine and holding me tightly.

“I love you” she moans out and I try to speak, my mouth opens but nothing comes out, it’s all feeling right now as Jaime makes love to me slowly, I feel like she’s worshipping my body, adoring me with every smooth move she makes.
Jaime leans forward and captures my lips with her, kissing slowly and deeply, keeping tempo with her movements and for once I’m not even thinking about getting off or worrying about her pleasure, it’s just the two of us being intimate, probably for the first time since she’d welcomed me back into her life.

I would kill for this woman, I would lay my own life down for hers. Whatever she needed was hers.

She picks up a little speed before sitting back upright on me, riding me a little faster as she begins to build and I’m with her all the way “I love you Angel, say yes” I utter quietly and she hums with pleasure, her body stuttering over mine as she comes and I follow her seconds later. Jaime collapses on top of me and we lay silent in the dark listening to our own heartbeats slowing once more.

“Turn the light on now” she tells me and leaving one hand on her back I reach up slowly and hit the switch, light floods the room and it takes a second for my eyes to get used to the light. Jaime sits up slowly, grinning down at me and I answer her grin with a matching one of my own.

“Baby look at my boobs!” she laughs and I’m confused until I look and see written across her delicious tits YES in bright red lipstick, it’s a bit smeared but it’s there and my heart leaps in my chest, before I grab her and spin her over smothering her body with mine and her face with my lips.

“I fucking love you” I say between kisses and she giggles. “Was that there the whole time we were making love?” she laughs again. “I got you good Baby!”

“You’ll never regret this decision Jaime, I promise”
Jaime looks at me, she looks happy and simply replies “I know!”

The next day.

After bidding my three girls goodbye at the airport I drive back to Jaime’s house thinking about how chilled out it is here, if anyone has recognised me the times I’ve come here no one has sold me out at all. Parking in front of Jaime’s house I sit in her car and watch Jack and Sarah walking along the beach together hand in hand, they aren’t talking and laughing, in fact they look miserable. I want to speak to him, I think he can help me get them speaking again.
My fiancé, my smile stretches across my face every time I think about her being mine forever, deserved better from everyone around her and so I waited until eventually Sarah walked away from him and went into the house and Jack remained outside sitting on the sand looking out at the water. I approached him quietly not wanting to give him a chance to get up and move, avoiding me.

“Hey” he looks up at me and acknowledges me with a curt nod of his head “Jack, I feel bad about Sarah and Jaime falling out. Can you help me get them speaking again?”
He sighs heavily, I knew this wouldn’t be easy and that’s why I’m not approaching this in my usual style of trampling all over everybody in order to get what I desire.

“Man, you are not making my life easy right now!” he mutters, not looking at me at all. I sit down next to him “for what it means I’m sorry about that. I know it’s my fault and I want to fix it. Jaime and Archer miss their family” it’s manipulative of me to use those words but it gets a reaction as his head turns towards me and he fucking glares at me.

“If you fuck off we can all get on with our lives” Jack spits out with venom in his voice but he needs to know that ain’t happening ever.

“I miss them both, Archie is like my nephew and Jaime my annoying little sister”

“They’re coming to live with me in Michigan and it would be really nice if they could leave here thinking of you both as family still” I’m not telling him we’re engaged either, that’s our secret for now.

He looks shocked as if he can’t actually believe she would willingly leave this place, every now and then I don’t understand why she chooses me but I’m grateful as fuck that she does.
“I’ll try Marshall but Sarah and I are having some problems of our own at the moment, so I don’t know how much I can do”
“Anything you wanna talk about?” oh christ where did that shit come from, I know it’s come from my Angel because she would ask him and try to help them and because of her association with me she couldn’t and this man beside me couldn’t go to her either.

What a fucking mess.

I catch Jack smiling briefly “You trying to be a pal Marshall” he asks with sarcasm evident in his voice but I guess I am in a way. This is getting fucked up Marshall Mathers is cold hearted and doesn’t give a fuck about anything except his daughters is how people view me but in reality I cared a lot about a lot of things, but it was easier to hide behind what people believed about me most of the time.

“What if I am?” I counter looking at him and he grins again shaking his head “Okay, what the hell! My wife lied to me, we made a promise and she went back on her word and I’m struggling to deal with the consequences of that”

I blow out the breath I’d been holding in, Sarah lied to him, these two always seemed so solid like a real partnership, what is it Haile and her friends say ‘relationship goals’ that’s how I viewed Jack and Sarah’s in my head.

“We said we’d wait another year to get pregnant, both of us agreed to that but the day after Christmas she tells me she hasn’t been taking her pill for months, fucking months. She’s pregnant!”

I think he sounds more upset with the lie than the prospect of becoming a father.

“She’s not the woman I thought she was, to cut Jaime and Archer out of our lives without giving a shit and lying to me about something we both agreed we’d wait on. I just don’t know her”
I don’t know what to say to him, I wish Jaime were here with her peaceful, calming aura she’d say the right thing.

“Jack she’s just hurting with Jaime, they’ll come back together, I think we can help with that. She didn’t lie to you she just kept it from you, women’s hormones are fucking cunts ya know, they make sane women do crazy shit. Don’t be so hard on her it’s happened now and you can’t change it, see how much you love Archer, think of that love magnified a million times over. It’s the best feeling in the world being a dad. The timing may be off but you gotta embrace it now man”

Where oh where has this wise man Marshall appeared from and where the fuck was he years ago, fucker being all helpful now.
Jack let’s my words sink in before talking again “I think you want to be my friend Mathers, that was good advice, I’m going to try and think about this differently now. Thank you”

“Just try please. I fucked up badly and I’ve been beating myself up for it ever since and maybe always will, I know you both hate me but this is for them and if you could be civil to me when she’s around that’s all I can hope for”

“For the record I don’t hate you Marshall, Jaime is the happiest I’ve ever seen her when she’s with you, but you are also capable of destroying her and for that reason I worry” he looks me in the eye and I nod at him. I understand what he's saying.

“I’m going for happy from here on out” My reply I hope sounding heartfelt and I think it does because his arm stretches out towards me and pats me on the shoulder, its all out there now and he gets up and leaves me alone with my thoughts for awhile.

I am the luckiest fucker alive.

A/N I just want to a big thank you for all of your comments, votes and just for reading this story. This is the longest story I've written and it's coming close to the end now. It means a lot to me. Thank You

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