Chapter 1

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Expect new characters here that is not included in the drama series...
Enjoy reading ...
Note: Xia Empire is Wei Empire in the TV series.
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Chu Qiao was actually awake all along. She was just not willing to open her eyes. She knew that people were moving around her; some of them were calling out to her, crying their eyes out. Some of them fed her medicine while others looked at her silently, not approaching her.

She was aware of the things happening around her, but she was unwilling to wake up. She drifted in and out of her sleep; her heart felt cold and devoid of any nutrients. She experienced the same nightmare repeatedly; in her dreams, it was icy cold. She floated aimlessly in that pitch-black icy lake as fragments of shattered ice brushed against her skin. Yuwen Yue was facing her as he sank to the bottom of the lake slowly. A glimmer of light shone behind him, illustrating the paleness of his face. His eyes glowed with a degree of brightness, like stars in the sky. His expression was neither joyful or angry, but calm. He looked at her silently as he sank slowly…

It was the first time in her life that Chu Qiao felt so vulnerable. She felt unbelievably fatigued as she wanted to sleep for the rest of eternity. There was no longer any meaning in life. Those dreams and beliefs, which she had held so stubbornly close to her heart, were mercilessly shattered. She did not want to think about them anymore, nor did she have the strength to. She no longer had the courage to open her eyes and face the reality in front of her. She wanted to escape; she had become so weak to the point that she thought closing her eyes would allow her to pretend as if nothing had happened. At this instant, she finally realized that she was a woman. She was able to feel pain, sadness, sorrow, and desperation. She refused to eat or drink, and swatted aside any attempts by others to feed her medicine.

It remained like this until one particular day, where it was unusually noisy outside her door. Someone was cursing at her loudly; countless vile words spewed out of his mouth, stabbing at her heart word by word. That voice was familiar, which caused her to open her eyes wide. She climbed out of her bed only to see that Zhu Cheng’s body had been pierced by an arrow.

The young butler, who was not versed in martial arts, was heavily wounded. His clothes were torn, tattered and bloodstained. He was like a lunatic. Despite having one hand sliced off, he attempted to dash into her room in fits of madness. Fresh blood splattered across the stone steps of the courtyard. His eyes were bloodshot as he cursed non-stop, while he used his remaining solitary hand to attack the servants beside him. The servants did not attack him as they only tried to prevent him from getting close to the house. They knocked him to the ground and watched on coldly as he picked himself up repeatedly.

“You vicious, ungrateful woman!” Zhu Cheng hollered. His body was heavily wounded and frostbitten, as pus accumulated on many parts of his body. It was evident that his bare skin had been exposed to the cold snow for long periods of time, resulting in his injuries.

Lü Liu held onto Chu Qiao, as she struggled to cover her eyes with her quivering hands. However, Chu Qiao stood upright and still, like a sharp spear. She did not move as she saw Zhu Cheng being struck to the ground and getting to his feet repeatedly, dashing towards her.

“Stop it,” Chu Qiao said in a low voice. “Stop it!” she suddenly hollered again, pushing Lü Liu aside and running outwards. The winds outside was cold. She ran towards Zhu Cheng in a fit of madness, pushed aside the servants who attempted to stop her, and shouted, “Stop it, all of you!”

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