Chapter 46

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This chapter is dedicated to EnairaBoca .... Enjoy reading... 😊😊😊

"Not really," Chu Qiao honestly replied, "27 would not be considered old in my time. In my culture people generally marry very late."

"Where is your hometown? The Liang Empire? The Wei Empire? Since you had such strong feelings for Yan Bei, could you be have actually been born in Yan Bei?" As he talked about it, Yuwen Yue's face suddenly changed as he anxiously asked, "Could you be Yan Xun's mother? Considering the timing, she should be older."

Chu Qiao was lost as to what reaction she should have. She explained, "I am from a different world, and am not in the same space-time continuum as you. My world is in a parallel world. Not only we were initially separated by space, we are also separated by time. It would be impossible for us to go over. Do you understand?" She tried her best to explain to Yuwen Yue, and hoped that she was able to convey the meaning to him in a manner he could understand. As she tried to gesture, she wanted to give him a good analogy, but was unable to come up with a good one.

But she had underestimated Yuwen Yue's comprehension ability. The man frowned lightly, and asked, "So it is like an apple tree; I am the leaves in spring, and you are the leaves in autumn?"

Chu Qiao was stunned. She had never thought that he would able to come with such an apt analogy, and quickly agreed, "You are half right. There is not just time, there is also space. Do you understand? That is..."

"Oh." Yuwen Yue nodded, and casually said, "So I am apple leaves in spring, and you are oranges in autumn?"

Chu Qiao completely was stunned, as she stayed dumbfounded for a long time, and finally nodded, "Indeed."

And then Yuwen Yue turned around and continued to look at the waves in river. The setting sun shone on his face, bathing him in a golden glow. Chu Qiao could not help but to feel a sense of amazement. Seeing how calm he could be even after hearing this story, she was utterly impressed by his mental fortitude and wisdom, remaining so firm. He did not seemed too interested and did not ask questions like "What do people in your world look like?"or "How many eyes your people have?" or "Do the people in your world look like beasts and grow hair all over their bodies?" as though only people of this world were worthy of being so beautiful, having a perfect face, while other world was comprised of beasts. This was true calmness; unwavering even when faced with a catastrophe...

"So, what do the people in your world look like?"


"How many eyes do your people have?"


After the silence, a certain man who was thought to be full of wisdom seemed ever so interested as he asked, "Could it be that you people are like beasts and are covered in fur? I have seen some people in the Southern border like that, could they be your distant relatives?"

Chu Qiao took in a deep breath and started to educate Yuwen Yue about the knowledge of her world.

The sun had already set. A round moon climbed to the top of the mountain, spraying the world in ripples of silver. In the gentle breeze of the lake, Chu Qiao suddenly felt like writing some poetry. She heaved a deep sigh and said, "As the moon rises from the sea, we share this moment no matter the distance between us."

Yuwen Yue coldly retorted, "We are not on the sea, this is a river."

Chu Qiao frowned. "Then, as the moon hangs over the river."

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