Chapter 85

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We now reached the story of Yan Xun & his Empress...
Enjoy reading!!!


As Yushu left, Nalan started to cough. A few physicians on duty ran into Zhaoyang Palace hurriedly to take her pulse and concoct medicine, remaining busy for over four hours. An intense scent of medicinal herbs lingered around the palace. Nalan Hongye laid on her bed as she continued to pant non-stop which had been the case since the morning. The color on her face had been drained.

"Madam Empress, I've heard that Your Majesty is staying at Qinglu Palace tonight. There's no one by his side to serve him."

Nalan held her hand close to her chest. Weakly, she asked, "Isn't Lady Cheng at Qinglu Palace?"

"No. Lady Cheng's period is here. She's recuperating in Hongfang."

Nalan nodded and thought for a while before replying, "The weather is getting colder. Go and instruct Cao Qiu and the rest of the slaves to be more vigilant. Don't let Your Majesty catch a cold."


As Wen Yuan prepared to leave, Nalan opened her mouth and said, "Forget it. No need to go." Then, she turned around to face the inner side of the room. Her soft voice drifted over lightly, "No need to wake me up for dinner. I want to sleep."

"Yes, Madam."

It had been five years since Yan Xun established his empire. Just like many emperors before, the back palace had started to liven up. Countless beauties streamed into the palace; some were petite, some appeared cold, some were educated, and some were adorable. It seemed like all the beauties in the world congregated in this palace as the mood remained lively.

Alas, Nalan Hongye had been unable to conceive, despite being in the palace for four years. Instead, it was the other concubines that did so; Cheng Yuan's sister, Lady Cheng, had given birth to a pair of twins. Her status had been elevated to the point where it was enough to pose a threat to her.

As for him, he had not entered Zhaoyang Palace for a long time. If not for Yushu, who brought Yong'er here, he would not have visited today.

As the sun set and the moon rose, a pair of red candles burned brightly in the room. Nalan Hongye, who had been reduced to sticks and bones, snuggled in her blanket as she coughed non-stop. Perhaps, she had stopped thinking about that long ago.

Six years ago, on the day where the various empires met under the pass, the news of the birth of Qinghai's little prince spread around West Meng. As the health of the little prince had been affected while he was still in his mother's womb, it was almost a stillborn birth. Chu Qiao's life hung by a string as well, due to her poor health. The king of Qinghai's love for his wife was well-known, from the fact that he gave up the chance to fight it out with Yan Xun to conquer the world, for her.

Qinghai issued a notice, promising a huge reward for any physician that managed to save them. It was heard that Mister Qingzhu from Maoling had exemplary medical skills, but he refused to enter Qinghai on the grounds that it was a barbaric territory. The king of Qinghai, in the middle of the alliance between Yan Bei and Song, led 3,000 elite troops out of Cuiwei Pass personally towards Maoling to abduct Mister Qingzhu. Ultimately, Chu Qiao and her son's lives were saved.

The day that this news spread was the day of their marriage, which was according to her wishes, which she had kept in her heart for many years. She opened the invitation to see their names on top, which he had personally written.

Yan Xun, Nalan Hongye.

Their names were side by side, with each stroke carefully written. Her fingertips brushed across the invitation letter, stopping at the phrase, "Wishing the couple eternal companionship and unity". It was a simple congratulatory phrase, but it caused her to tear.

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