Chapter 4

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This chapter dedicated to sis julietdhear. Please continue our story. 😃
Enjoy reading guys. Comment down who wants to ask dedication & I will dedicate you the next chapter. 😊
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That would mean that whenever the King of Qinghai wished, he could take a stroll within Yan Bei, and no one could do anything about it. Not only that, but the Cuiwei Pass was situated in the middle of the Helan Mountain and the Cuiwei Mountain. To the East of the Pass was a vast grassland with no natural obstacles in sight. The only way to obstruct the enemies in the Qinghai would be to build a great wall that would be thousands of miles in length. That sounded like a joke, yet that was the precise reality that Yan Bei was faced with.

Fortunately, since that one incident, that Qinghai King had never appeared again. It was almost as though he just felt bored one day and came out for a stroll to inform Yan Xun that he was Yan Bei's new neighbor. Of course, Yan Xun did not dare to let down his guard. While sending out men to find out information from the King of Qinghai, he had headed down to Cuiwei Pass multiple times in hopes of negotiation with the King of Qinghai. In addition, he had also started to set up defense lines in the Southwest and arranged for a garrison. With that, the Xia Empire finally had a chance to take a breather. All this intel were from He Xiao. In those two years, Chu Qiao had barely headed down the mountain.

The nights were very silent. So silent, one could hear the sounds of dogs barking at the foot of the mountain. Yet, when everyone was asleep, Chu Qiao stared at the stars above, and sat alone until daybreak.

Yet, tragedy struck without any premonition. The news of Da Tong's rebellion was like sizzling hot oil that had just been added to water, creating a huge uproar in the gloom of the Huihui mountains. Looking at the messenger who was colored by blood, Chu Qiao frowned as she listened to his words.

"Master, please head down. If you do not go, Da Tong will cease to exist!"

Quietly looking at him, Chu Qiao took a long time to reply. The news of Da Tong's rebellion was just received by her from the garrison of Qiulan City. Yet, this man immediately appeared and informed her that Yan Xun was planning to completely uproot the Da Tong Guild, and had already completely relieved Lady Yu and Mister Wu of military duties, and had held Xia Zhi, Xirui, and other Da Tong generals captive. The headquarters of the Da Tong Guild, Wang City, was turned into rubble, and he was intending to recall the Huoyun army, along with Princess Huanhuan, intending to completely remove any possible future rebellions by eliminating her...

As for such words, Chu Qiao refused to believe the messenger. Logic also told her that she should not fall for such words. As much as she had experienced the mercilessness of Yan Xun first hand, she knew that Yan Xun was not brainless. Getting rid of the Da Tong Guild was somewhat logical, and the removal of Mister Wu and Lady Yu's military position was acceptable, but why would he want the death of Huanhuan? Huanhuan was his blood sister. Although she was a believer of Da Tong, and had been groomed by Da Tong, she would not necessarily turn against her own brother for Da Tong.

"You may head down."

"Master!" The man dropped to the ground, his head slamming down onto the ground with a crisp impact as he prostrated to Chu Qiao, pleading, "I implore Master to save Da Tong! Only you can save us now." The sound of his kowtow was so loud, and before long his head was covered with blood. Frowning, Chu Qiao finally turned around and walked back into her room. As the door closed, the man gaze was filled with nothing but despair and sadness.

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