Chapter 64

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"Look at that flag! The Eastern Hu Forces!" A wave of cheers resounded. At that moment, everyone was taken aback. They stared as they were so excited; their faces were flushed red.

"The Eastern Hu Forces! It's them!"

"They are armies of the Seventh Prince! Our allies!"

"Long live the Seventh Highness! Long Live the Xia Empire!"


Wei Shuye sat atop his horse. Never in his life did he ever expect that at this very critical juncture, Zhao Che, who was supposed to be seizing Zhen Huang City, would appear here. After he had abandoned this friendship in accordance with his family's instructions to support Zhao Yang, it was ironic that at this very moment when his family had abandoned him, when Zhao Yang had abandoned him, when the Empire had abandoned him, it was this man whom he had abandoned that turned back to save him. Biting his teeth, Wei Shuye slashed into another enemy's skull.

"Kill the enemies!" The bugle call to charge was sounded off once again. Along with the hot blood of passion, the burning will to fight was ignited once again. In the completely devastated battlefield, dusk set in as the sounds of killing finally reduced to silence. The evening breeze brought along with it the musky smell of iron.

In his battle dress, Zhao Che stood atop a dam as he overlooked this battlefield that was soaked in blood. Wei Shuye stood not far behind him as he looked at Zhao Che's figure. At that moment, it was as though they had gone back in time, as Wei Shuye recalled that time when this defeated prince had just returned to the capital. As Zhao Che knelt in Zi Wei Square pleading guilty, Wei Shuye had stood just like that, watching his back which was always straight, and his fists which seemed to always be clenched.

After so many years, after having gone through life and death, ups and downs, dangers and risks, loyalty and betrayal, everyone's eyes seemed to have aged.

Zhao Yang had turned into an ambitious man, Zhao Song gave up any form of ambitions, Zhao Qi died in Yan Bei, Yan Xun turned ruthless and decisive, Zhuge Yue finally awoke to his own stubbornness. Yet, amidst all these changes, only Zhao Che had stayed the same as he had always been. He had always been firm and decisive. He had never seemed to be weak, never even once showing any signs of weakness. This man was a born soldier, a born defender.

Walking over slowly, standing behind Zhao Che, Wei Shuye opened his mouth, and said, "Thank you for rescuing me."

Zhao Che did not turn around, as though he had long known that this man was standing behind him. A low voice could be heard, "I just did not want to let down my family name." Indeed, he was the descendent of Emperor Peiluo, with the purest of blue blood running through his veins. He was merely defending his territory and people. This had nothing to do with their respective factions, or even to save anyone.

"Look, how beautiful." Zhao Che suddenly stretched out his hands, and using his sheath, he pointed to the grass plains that were below him. Under the setting sun, the crimson rays illuminated the barren plains that waved with the wind. It was like blood was running through a sea of gold. Truly a sight to behold.

"The worldly people had not seen the true vastness of the world, because such a world had not yet been created. There will be a day, from the Shangshen Highlands of Yan Bei to the East Coast of the Song Empire, from the Ahdu Wastelands of the Western Deserts to the Jiuwai Mountain Ranges of the Southern Borders, everyone will bow to the feet of the Empire. And that story will have its opening act written by my blade." Turning around, with eyes glimmering in resolution, he stared into Wei Shuye as he smiled confidently before holding his fist out and firmly saying, "The Xia Empire will not cease to exist."

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