Minilan (The Sidemen and The Pack)- New Life

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Simon's P.O.V.

The boy couldn't have been more than 19 years old, face pinched with pain as Josh's grip on his wrist tightened. I knew exactly what he was even from the top of the stairs, it was completely given away by the collar clipped around his neck, the tight grey clothing and the bruises.

"Happy birthday Simon!" JJ and Josh chorused, Vikk standing a little way behind them with his shadow just over his shoulder. His shadow was actually his slave, an older boy named Rob who had taken on a more paternal role with the youngest house member. He needed that when we couldn't take up that place. But even through the loud voices I could hear a low whimper of pain from the blonde boy and I turned back to him.

"What is this?" I asked suspiciously, even though I already knew.

"He's yours Simon!" Josh said, exasperated. "You need one, you've been lonely as hell and you need to get some of the frustration out. The paperwork's upstairs."

My frustration? Really Josh? He couldn't speak much considering he took everything out on his own slave, a young, 20-something hazel eyed, brown haired boy that I sometimes talked to when Josh was out. He barely spoke but of the few things I had gotten from him, one of those things was that his name was Mitch. There wasn't a time I had seen him without bruises, if I saw him at all. He rarely left Josh's room.

JJ had two slaves that I rarely saw, they stayed up in his room most of the time. JJ wasn't home most of the time anyway and I honestly didn't see his need to keep them around, but if it kept them out of the trade then I wasn't going to complain. They, two boys called Jerome and Preston about the same age as Mitch, maybe even a little younger, were better off here were they would only occasionally suffer rather than go through whatever they might do to them there.

I looked the boy, who was now my slave, up and down. He was trying to stop himself from looking at me and that gave me the first indication that he was likely highly trained- he had probably gone for a very high price. The older and prettier the slave was the more expensive they got, especially if they were untouched. This tapered off once they hit 20 or so, so at 19 this boy would have been one of the most pricey on the market.

Waving my hand I trudged back up to my bedroom, the boy following a few steps behind me. The others had already gone back to their own thing, Josh to his room, JJ to the living room and Vikk and Rob to the kitchen, probably to make something to eat. I turned back as I reached my doorway and he visibly flinched, stumbling to a stop. I already felt sick.

I had never wanted a slave for many different reasons, but mainly because I wouldn't be able to care for another human life. They were human, not some doll to be ordered around and fucked when I got bored. They had already been through so much, beaten, trained, starved and abused and I didn't know how to heal that, especially not in someone like this boy.

Picking up the paperwork I went through it, the boy standing shakily just inside the door. Reading it gave me some basic details that I certainly wouldn't get from him. Name, Lachlan. Age, 18 but almost 19. Place of birth, Sydney, Australia. Mother, slave, father, unknown. Reason for servitude- and I shuddered-, birth right. He had been born into it and would never be able to leave. There were some other details too such as place of training, what he was trained in and his purity status. I had been right.

When I looked back up at the boy- no, Lachlan, he was shaking. He was pale and sickly looking probably from nerves because after all, he had just been sold for the first time in his life, and he had no idea what I would be like. I glanced at his throat, his collar was choking him and I could see bruises in the shape of fingerprints visible on his skin.

He audibly whimpered as I stood up and moved closer to him, his head bowed. His trembling worsened. My fingers gently brushed his cheek before moving to remove the collar from his neck. He didn't need it, Rob didn't wear one at all unless he was outside the house with Vikk and although Josh forced Mitch to wear one, it was because he was an asshole. Lachlan stiffened when my fingers brushed him but blinked, visibly confused, when the leather was removed from his skin.

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