Vobi- Drive

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Tobi's P.O.V.

Vikk couldn't sleep. It wasn't an unusual occurrence, it happened at least a few times a week, and we had developed several different ways of coping with it. Being a YouTuber and streaming, recording or editing for eight hours a day plus trying to eat healthy, going to the gym and socializing meant we often ended the day exhausted. Vikk's poor sleeping schedule meant his videos suffered, so we tried our best to keep on track.

It was past 3am and both of us were tossing and turning, Vikk shifting every couple of minutes, rolling over and pulling the blankets all over the place. I had turned away from him, trying to sleep even though I knew he wasn't going to be able to. He continued to shift about, nowhere near falling asleep. Finally I turned around and caught his eye in the dark.

"Do you wanna go on a drive babe?" I asked softly, reaching out to push a strand off his forehead. "Get your mind off things, try to sleep?"

He nodded slowly, not saying anything, only shuffling himself into my arms and hugging me tight. I kissed his cheek, wrapping my arms around his waist. We stayed there for a couple of minutes until I finally gathered the energy to get up from the bed and practically carry Vikk out of the bedroom, down the stairs and to the car without falling, tripping or just completely giving up. Vikk really wasn't helping, feet barely touching the ground and clinging to me like a koala.

Depositing him in the passenger seat with some difficulty, as he still didn't want to let me go, I tucked the blanket from the back seat around him before going around the car and sitting in the drivers seat. Vikk had already curled up in a little ball after securing his seatbelt, burying himself down.

"I'll just drive, okay? Don't think about anything, just try to sleep." He nodded and closed his eyes.

I drove mostly aimlessly, going up and down back road and occasionally having a stint on the highway, for over an hour even though I didn't really need to because Vikk had fallen asleep within 15 minutes, curled up against the door with his chin resting on his chest. I kept glancing over at him every few minutes, smiling. God, he was cute.

Pulling back into our driveway I very gently picked my boyfriend up from his seat, securing him in my arms bridal style with the blanket still wrapped around him. He didn't stir, sleeping soundly although now it was half past four in the morning and the sun should be rising pretty soon. I cradled him gently, placing him back on the bed. He still didn't move, sleeping peacefully. Thank God.

Slipping into bed beside him I pulled my younger boyfriend into my chest, yawning and finally slipping into sleep.


Vikk was flat out exhausted, unable to cope with our daughters distressed crying any longer, and I knew he needed to sleep. Pushing him into our bedroom and tucking him into bed I picked Hayley up from her bassinet and strapped her into her car seat, moving to do the one thing I knew would get her to sleep. Driving around in the car, the same as Vikk.

"Shhh baby, shhhh" I gently rocked the seat as I carried her out to the car, glancing one final time into the bedroom where Vikk finally seemed to be settling now he knew that there wouldn't be any crying for much longer. "I'll be back soon Vikky." He nodded.

I drove just as I always had when Vikk needed to sleep, aimlessly, for an hour and a half around the back and residential streets of London. Hayley was asleep within five minutes but I kept driving simply to keep her asleep. If I put her back in her cot too soon then she would only wake up and I would have to do it all again. So I drove for an hour and a half, listening to quiet music and partially day-dreaming, hoping that Vikk was asleep at home.

Scooping my daughter up into my arms, gently, barely moving, I sighed in relief when she didn't even stir. I placed her down in her cot and crept away, smiling at the sight in our bedroom. Vikk was fast asleep too, curled up under the blankets in a tight ball with a pillow tucked underneath him.

Crawling into the bed next to him I shuffled my arms around him and pressed a kiss to his forehead, managing to smile. Sure, it would probably only be a few hours before Hayley was awake, crying to be fed, but I would make the most of those few hours of sleep with my husband curled up beside me. I hugged him close, sighing happily.

"Love you Vikky." I whispered, even though I wasn't expecting him to reply.

"Love you too Tobi." He breathed, turning around to bury his head in my chest. "Thank you."


I managed to smile from the kitchen, my heart so happy at the sight. Vikk was playing with Hayley on the floor of the living room, gently encouraging her to crawl. I was meant to be making lunch but I was far more content to lean on the bench, smiling, while I watched them. Vikk was such an amazing parent, honestly, and both of us loved our little girl with our hearts.

"Do you want cheese in your sandwich?" I asked Vikk, adding what I knew he wanted. "I've already added ham, egg, carrot, mayo and cucumber."

He paused, looking up.

"Ummm, yes please. Can I have one of the jars of baby food? Hayley's getting hungry." I nodded and reached over the back bench to place it on the table, sliding it over to her highchair along with a spoon. He picked her up and strapped her in, grinning as she started to whine, but she loved to eat so the second the jar was cracked open it would be blissful silent.

Later in the day when she was laid down for a nap, Vikk came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I laughed as he managed to bury his head in my back, mumbling meaningless words.

"What's up?" I asked, turning to look down at him.

"Nothin'." He mumbled. "Just hugging you."

"Alright then." I placed my hands on top of his. "Love you Vikky."

"Love you too." I could tell he was smiling into my back. "Tobi."

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