Wroetozerk- Date

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Josh's P.O.V.

"Harry!" I called up the stairs, hearing a thump and then a yell in return. "Come on babe, we're going soon!"

"Give me a minute!" He called back, the sound of clattering continuing. To be fair he had only woken up an hour before and hadn't had his coffee or any breakfast- although it was actually time for lunch- so I hadn't expected him to be ready by any rate. "I'll be down in a sec!"

I smiled to myself and stood at the base of the stairs, waiting patiently for him to come down. I startled when a door opened and Vikk appeared at the top of the stairs, rubbing his eyes sleepily. I immediately felt bad because I hadn't meant to wake him up, he had probably only been asleep a few hours given his crazy schedule.

"What's goin' on?" He mumbled, still rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, sorry Vikk, I didn't mean to wake you." I said sheepishly. "Harry and I are going out shopping this morning and then on a date this evening. I'm trying to get him ready."

"Oh." He yawned. "I'm gonna go back to bed."

"You do that." I said, and watched as he turned and went back to his room. I continued to wait for Harry, still tapping my foot, now on my phone checking social media because that was something I had to do every day, go through the bombardment of tweets and tags and news all over my feed, and that was just on Twitter. I also had to deal with Instagram, and YouTube, and my emails. Plus, you know, recording and editing videos. And recording Sidemen videos. And, somehow, still having time to spend time with my boyfriend and my family on top of that.

Harry stumbled down the stairs a minute or two later, a jacket thrown hastily over his shoulder and his hair curly and falling in his eyes- before he could tug my out the door I reached up and pushed it back, earning a smile. He managed to pause for a moment, slipping his hand in mine.

"Ready?" I mumbled into the top of his head. He nodded.

"Yeah." He gently squeezed my hand. "Let's go."


The date was meant to last all evening and I wanted to make the most of it, so we went out for dinner first. It wasn't a fancy restaurant or anything, but just nice enough that Harry was quiet and not chattering loudly non stop with no sense of noise control. I missed his chatter actually but the second we got outside after our meal, which was really nice, and we were walking down the sidewalk, he talked the whole way.

I hadn't had any alcohol, deliberately, because the next place we were going to involved driving and I really didn't want to leave my nice, and pretty expensive, car in the middle of London for the night- where I would have to pay for parking and there was a risk of it being stolen, broken into or vandalized.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked, his hand squeezing my wrist across the centre console.

"Just wait and see." I said with a smile, flicking on the indicator.

We were just on the outskirts of town now, heading into a more rural area of town where there was a very nice and not very well known about drive in, 1950's themed drive-in movie theatre. I had been there once of twice before, one with Simon because it was the only place we could get a ticket for a movie we really wanted to see, and once with my brother just because it was the only thing I think of to do.

Harry gasped excitedly as I pulled into the field where the movie theatre was, shaking my arm.

"You know this place?" I asked, smiling as I pulled up the desk to pay and to get candy and popcorn, of course.

"Yeah! I've driven past it a couple of times on my way home and I've always wanted to come here! It looks so cool!" He seemed so excited about something so simple that I knew right away that this was the right choice for our date. "What are we seeing?"

"Avengers." I laughed.

"Which one...?" He gave me that look- he had cried his way through Infinity War and had sworn off seeing Endgame, even though he knew the spoilers, until he had watched the movie that fell in between.

"The first one, of course, the classic." I paused. "Oh, and the first Guardians is after it too."

His face relaxed into a smile, an excited grin on his face now.


I paid, grabbed our snacks and pulled further out into the field, managing to snag a spot in the middle, a little further to the back, but it was a great spot because we could lean back in our seats without straining to see the screen. Harry was bouncing now, just waiting for the movie to start.

"Alright, alright!" I laughed, leaning across to press a kiss to his temple, the popcorn resting in the cup holder between us. "You're excited, I know. Just wait until the movie starts, okay?"

"Okay." He smiled. He had already seen both of these movies and knew exactly how they played out, but they were some of his favourites. He loved Loki, as a character and as a villain, and Tom Hiddleston.

As the movie began he leaned back, across the centre console, resting his head gently on my shoulder. He barely touched the snacks the entire movie, too absorbed and too happy to even notice them- this was the side of Harry that I, or anyone else, rarely saw, but it was the side I loved so much.

The quiet but curious side, the wide-eyed, young and bright side of the boy that he tried to hide because he had to be mature. But around me, he didn't have to keep those walls up so much. With me he could be who he really was- vulnerable, quiet, just looking for love and contact with someone who understood him. I was so, so glad to be that person for him.

Looking over at the boy, eyes wide and bright, I smiled to myself. I loved that boy so much and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

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