BehzStar- Break The Rules

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I was grumbling about this video, but I mean, I guess it was something to do. I don't know who suggested it but after everything else I had done- and failed spectacularly at- it was something I was hesitant to begin. I didn't want to do a handstand. I wasn't flexible, I couldn't stand on my hands and given my shoulder still gave me trouble sometimes, I really didn't want to agitate it anymore.

There had been a call with the other boys about 3 o'clock, only a couple of hours after I had woken up because my sleep schedule had gone right out the window the moment we had gone into lockdown. Not that it was any good in the first place, but the fact I couldn't leave my house and was streaming to appease my American audience, so often times I wasn't going to bed until 5am and that made everything difficult. We hadn't discussed much, just how far we had gotten into the challenge and what we still have left to do. Everyone seemed like they were going okay, while I sat there, having done nothing.

I decided that maybe now was the best time to start and actually get some footage for the video. I got the simple things, the stuff I knew I could do without too much trouble, done within an hour before I finally moved onto the one I was dreading- the handstand. I wasn't flexible, I couldn't do a head or handstand and given my shitty shoulder, I was pretty nervous about hurting myself.

Having to hold it for five seconds was pretty tough, but I figured I could do it. I was allowed to kick off the wall which helped, but again- not flexible, incapable and injured.

"I guess I've just got to go for it." I wrinkled my nose as I talked to the camera, hands on hips. I really didn't want to, but it was for a video.

Kicking off the wall I managed to hold for a few seconds before falling, then again, and again. I sighed deeply, rubbing my face before turning to talk to the camera again.

"Thinking about throwing in the towel, but I'll give it one more go. I'm not gonna give up that easily."

Kicking up against the wall I pushed away once more, straining to hold myself up without toppling over- and then it all went wrong. My arm gave way and I collapsed onto my injured shoulder, a horrific shot of pain running through my shoulder, arm and neck. I couldn't help the scream of pain.

I lay on the ground, panting in pain, groaning any time I tried to move. Fuck, fuck, fuck, of course I managed to get injured! In a panic I reached for my phone, which I had actually kicked off my desk by accident, and scrolled through my contact list to find someone who might be able to help.

Ethan picked up after a couple of minutes, apparently having just finished a workout in his apartment because he was slightly out of breath.

"Hey Vikk, what's up?" He asked, laughing a bit. "I didn't realise how hard some of these damn challenges are."

I choked out a sob, the pain hitting my hard. I could almost hear Ethan freeze on the other side of the phone as he seemed to be processing what was going on. I physically couldn't move from where I was lying on my side, even slight movements unbearable. Jesus, I hadn't broken it again by landing on it?

"Vikk? What's going on? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I- I landed on my shoulder-" I sobbed, shock fading into waves of pain. "I was trying to do the handstand, I don't know if I broke it-"

"Shit, Vikk, I know I'm not supposed to but I'm coming around. I'll take you to hospital if I need to." He said, already moving to leave his apartment. "Stay on the phone, alright?"

The sobbing turned into quiet cries as I lay back on the floor, pain radiating through me. But, slowly, as Ethan drove closer to my apartment, the pain began to subside. I still couldn't move without feeling like I was physically going to be sick but the constant pounding and shocks of pain were slowly fading to a throbbing, painful ache.

My door was unlocked so Ethan walked right in, still on the phone call to me, and ran up to my office where I was lying on the floor. I didn't notice until he was right beside me as I had my eyes squeezed closed from the pain, breaths coming in short, sharp gasps.

"Shit, alright, are you okay? Do you think it's broken?" He said, placing a gentle hand on my waist.

"I don't- don't think it's broken." I said through gritted teeth. "The pain's fading, but I sti- I can't move."

He paused, thinking for a moment.

"Could you roll to you back? It's not far, you're on your side already."

"Maybe." I groaned. "But only if you help me."

Ethan placed one hand under my waist and the other held just below my injured shoulder, helping me slide from my side to my back. I would have landed hard if he hadn't been holding me and had actually braced myself for the pain that the impact would bring, but it didn't happen. I sighed a bit- the pain was fading still.

"I'll grab an ice pack, okay? Don't move."

"Like I'd want to." I griped, but I was honestly so thankful that he had come around so quickly. Technically he wasn't supposed to be in my apartment, we were on lockdown after all, but I think the possibility that I had broken something constituted us breaking them slightly. It wasn't like all seven of the Sidemen were gathered together or anything.

I sighed in relief as Ethan placed and held the ice pack on my shoulder, balancing it there. Then, thankfully, he sat down beside me and pulled out his phone, bringing up YouTube. And we sat there, waiting for the pain to fade, with no pressure to go anywhere.


By the end of the day, about 4 hours since I had hurt myself, I was able to move and flex my arm about normally. There was still a fair amount of pain and bruising but I could now say with certainty that no, it wasn't broken, I had just landed on it awkwardly and hurt it pretty badly.

Ethan stayed the night, insisting on making sure that I was okay and I wasn't bluffing and pretending I was fine. He didn't give two shits that I was able to finish the video, insisting that he would fight the other boys for me if they made me do anything or even mentioned in the final product that I had hurt myself. The camera had caught my fall but nothing else after.

"Night Vikk." He said, handing me a new ice pack as I padded up the stairs to bed. He was staying in the guest bedroom. "I hope you're feeling better in the morning."

I paused, then turned and hugged him tightly with my good arm. Ethan laughed and smiled, then hugged me back.

"Next time we film, try not to hurt yourself?"

I gave him a bright smile.

"I'll try. But thank you, for helping me."

"Of course." He said, smiling. "Anything for you."

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