Woofless/The Pack- Little One

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Rob's P.O.V.

I suppose it was inevitable really, being the dad of the group gave me plenty of experience in keeping children alive- they weren't actually children but it seemed like half the time they were- away from inherently dangerous situations.

The fact that my relationships never seemed to work out also played a role in that so when my ex texted me, coming along to 8 months since we had broken up, saying that she had just given birth to a little girl and that it was mine, I had no doubt. She didn't cheat, we had ended our relationship amicably because we just weren't meant to be, but she wasn't in any position to be a mother and wanted to know if I wanted her before surrendering her to foster care. I, of course, said yes.

I drove the 5 and a half hours from Toronto to Montreal to pick up my new baby girl, completely unprepared and scared but the moment I first held her I knew it would all be okay. She was perfect, full-term and completely healthy- ready to go when I arrived. My ex didn't talk to me but she did give me a smile and the paperwork rescinding her rights as the child's mother.

She was yet unnamed, leaving that up to me, and after the car ride home I eventually decided on her name- Dhara Harper Latsky. Dhara (pronounced Dara) was a name of Indian descent, paying homage to her heritage on her mothers side as well as some of my family, who about 4 generations back were partly immigrants from India. Harper was for my sister, who died in infancy, and then my last name. It was an unusual name, but one that I fell in love with.

Placing her gently into a car seat borrowed from a friend I climbed into the front seat, ready to take her home. This was going to be the start of a new life.


Obviously I was inexperienced with this, so I learned as I went, as Dhara grew. I was still working on YouTube so, especially when she was younger, my days were crammed trying to keep my daughter entertained while working and keeping her hidden from the eyes of the internet because I didn't want her to grow up constantly being criticised. I wanted her to decide for herself when she was older.

She was my little one, my daughter, and I loved her with all of my heart.

But the thing was, as well as the internet not knowing about her, my friends didn't either. My family often took care of her if I needed to work as they- my parents at least- lived mere minutes from me and Dhara which worked out well. They were retired and loved their little granddaughter, all too happy to look after her when needed. But my friends... I simply couldn't risk it. I had confided in one friend of my sexuality and they turned around and betrayed me when we drifted apart, leaving me to clean up the pieces. It didn't quite make it online but for a few months there were unconfirmed but true rumours that I was bisexual.

I scooped my little girl up off the ground where she had been crawling across the lino. She was a year and one month old now but had yet to take her first steps- I wasn't worried, she had hit all her other milestones and was beginning to talk now, two or three simple words, including dad. I cried when she first called me dad and I was so, so proud of her.

"Come on little one, we're heading to nana and granddad's today!" I said happily, also grabbing the small backpack that contained her spare clothes, nappies, food and bottles.

"Nana." She mumbled, making no complaints when I picked her up. Normally, if she didn't feel like being picked up, she would scream bloody murder.

"Yeah, nana." I checked I had everything before heading out the front door, ready for a long day of work. "Let's go."


I sighed happily as I closed down my computer, everything finally finished for me to sleep. My mum was dropping Dhara off in about 10 minutes and considering it was already 8 o'clock, it was time for her to go to bed. She slept through the night now other than the occasional time she would cry and want another bottle, or had a nightmare. I was long used to it and didn't mind anymore- she was a child, she couldn't help it.

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