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This chapter has a soundtrack.

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"Would you rather we have an indoor or outdoor wedding?"

Jungkook shrugged while pulling the car into the driveway. "Doesn't matter to me. I don't care if it's in the backyard as long as it happens. What do you want?"

"Maybe outdoors? If the weather is nice. It would be really pretty if we took pictures under the cherry blossoms," she smiled.

He nodded in agreement and turned off the engine. "How many people do you want to invite?"

Hyun-Ji pursed her lips and thought for a moment. "Not too many. Close family, of course. I'd be perfectly happy with a small ceremony. I don't want a huge crowd of people that are only coming to be seen in their best clothes and don't really care about us or our marriage."


"And maybe we can all go out to a really nice restaurant after to celebrate! Nowhere super expensive because then the food will be gross, just somewhere nice. I'm sure they wouldn't mind us having our wedding cake there too, right?"

She had turned in her seat toward him as she talked and he did the same, head tilted slightly to the side and a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched her become more and more animated. With each new idea, her eyes widened and for a moment she looked just like Hyori.

"...and I want Tannie to be there, too. He's pretty much like my nephew-dog. That would be so cute if Taehyungie put him in a little bow tie! Oh! What if..."

Her sentence trailed off and she shrank back down into her seat, her smile quickly vanishing. Head lowered, she fixed her gaze to the space between them to avoid his.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, breathing out a mirthless laugh. "I just completely hijacked the entire thing. I didn't ask if you wanted any of that. I just go on and on sometimes-"

"I know," he smiled.

"-and I need to learn how to be quiet sometimes. That's exactly why I would get into so much trouble."

"Let me stop you right there."

He cupped her chin in his hand and lifted it until she met his eyes. "I don't ever want you to stop talking. Wherever you learned that, leave it there. Talk to me. Go on and on about your ideas. Tell me what you're thinking because I'm always listening.

"And plan what you want with our wedding. Whatever will make you happy, that's what we'll do."

"But what about you?" She asked. "What about what you want?"

"I want to marry you, Princess. And for the cake to taste good. That's it! If I can have those two things, I'll be happy. Really just the first is all I need," he chuckled. "Tannie can even be in the wedding if you want. Ok?"

The stress that furrowed her brow melted away at his words and her smile re-emerged like sunlight after the rain. "I love you," she said.

✔️ Unconditionally [Book 2] | Jeon Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now