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"Good afternoon, Jungkook! It's Jisoo, your nurse. I'm coming in to brush your teeth. Hi, Hyun-Ji!"

Hyun-Ji looked up from her textbooks and rubbed her eyes as Jisoo knocked on the door and entered the room with her supplies. "Hi, Jisoo," she smiled. Hyun-Ji had been in the hospital so often that she had learned all of his nurses' names.

Jisoo smiled back and went to Jungkook's bedside. "How are you doing Hyun-Ji? Is school going ok?" She asked, raising the bed higher.

Hyun-Ji nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm ok. School is... school. But it's fine. The semester is almost over," she smiled.

Jisoo raised the back of his bed to bring his upper body more upright. "That's good to hear. I know you'll be happy once finals are over. Jungkook, you should be so proud of her."

"Thank you. I'll be very glad when it's over," Hyun-Ji agreed with a small smile. She was looking forward to the little break between finals and the next semester so that she could focus on Jungkook and Hyori.

"Where's your baby girl today?"

The mention of Hyori brought a genuine smile to her face. "Her godfather has her. He should be on his way with her now," she said.

"I can do that, Jisoo. Nurse Holly taught me how."

Jisoo smiled. "Sure. Jungkook, Hyun-Ji is going to brush your teeth now, ok?"

Hyun-Ji put her books aside and washed her hands, then put on a pair of gloves. Jisoo stepped aside and Hyun-Ji began to open the various supplies she needed.

She dipped the small sponge tip of the cleaning tool into the cup of water that Jisoo provided, and pressed out the excess water. Carefully, she opened his mouth a little more and began cleaning his bottom teeth and gums, working around his breathing tube with care.

Jisoo watched close by, smiling at her work. "Yeah, you got this just fine. Jungkook, she's a fast learner."

Hyun-Ji smiled, thankful for her compliment. "I want you to keep your smile the way it is for as long as possible," she said to Jungkook.

She discarded the first sponge and dipped the second in the water, then began cleaning his top teeth. "It's hard to be part bunny if you don't have your bunny teeth anymore."

"He does have a bunny smile, doesn't he?" Jisoo chuckled, looking at the photo sitting at his bedside of him, Hyun-Ji and Hyori in front of a Christmas tree. "I want to see that smile in person soon, ok Jungkook?"

Hyun-Ji's throat constricted at the thought of seeing his smile again. It had been eight days since she'd seen it.

Eight painful days waiting for him to wake up after Dr. Caplan said it was time to reduce the medication keeping him asleep the day before. Even though she had been told that it may still take some time for him to awaken, it still didn't lessen the anxiety that waiting caused.

Hyun-Ji swallowed the feeling and applied moisturizer to his lips. "All done," she smiled, her chin trembling.

"She took good care of you, Jungkook," Jisoo said as she cleaned up the supplies. "I'm going to come back later so we can give you a bath."

"Thank you, Jisoo."

"You're very welcome, Hyun-Ji. Have you eaten yet? I can have dietary bring you some dinner if you haven't."

✔️ Unconditionally [Book 2] | Jeon Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now